A new project

G'day all!

The other day, I came up with an ambitious new project. I want to knit as many socks out of Knitty as I can. Then I want to arrange them so they look luverly and elegant and photogenic and take some pics of them and send them in to the Knitty calendar contest.

In honour of this idea, I had to go out and buy the last three balls of ancient emerald green Patonyle from Knit n Purl in Dandenong. Then I madly cast on for the first sock.

(shot with cat and without correct colour balance - I can't jigger the colours right. Considerign the composition of the picture, I am wondering if I was taking a shot of the sock toe or the cat....)

(shot with vegie patch, still without good colour balance)

So the first sock is obviously something that would have its pattern obscured by my lovely variegated sock yarns. Anyone want to have a ping at what it might be? BTW, it is much longer now - getting near the heel.

I am very much enjoying mooching around the house doing as I please. I did lots of dishes yesterday - we seem to have a regular dish crisis. I am sure we would still have dish crises if we had a dishwasher (who wasn't me but was a machine). I also found not just one but two secret stashes of my (commercially knitted) socks - one in the clean washing basket under some postpaks (don't ask!) and one in the dirty washing basket that I thought was empty. Over 20 socks were located. That would explain why I had very few socks to wear except my lovely hand knitted ones that I don't wear every day. I even managed to get most of two loads of washing dry on the line outside thanks to the awful howling gale we had. I couldn't go outside much yesterday cos the wind just tore straight through anything in its path, ripping heat straight out of mortal humans. Even the cats didn't want to be outside.

Before you think I am being much too virtuous, what with the dishes and the washing and all, I have spent quite a number of hours knitting socks, reading emails, spinning some moorit yarn (me spinning beige! I swore it would never happen!), trying to figure out what my next project should be (not that I have finished the current ones), wondering what day to go up to the guild to a) use their drumcarders and b) volunteer to do some stuff there and at the craft show at the end of the month. I am sure they would like a "young" person to do some spinning demos. The crows' feet, etc, are starting to set in but I am not a wizened crone yet. (Lyn, before you comment, I didn't say you were a wizened crone either!)

I did manage to finally get some shots of the flowers I got from work. Two lovely ladies gave me these:

They chose the brightest colours they could. LOL

And my going away gift voucher came with these:

(Bloggers please note - Lynne likes pinks of all but salmon shades, blue, purple, green, turquoise (mm-mmm!) with the odd complimentary colour or black offset. Red and blue combined go down well as these are the colours of my footy team. "Mermaid" colours are very nice. Lynne is not really into yellow or orange, at least not by themselves.)

Today? I will knit more sock after cooking myself pancakes for breakfast and dyeing parts of my hair blue. I would also dye bits green but I can't find the green dye. It is the mermaid colours thing. Maybe I should find some purple or mauve dye too....

I leave you with Cheshire having a good time rolling around on the ground.



  1. Hmm, Pomatomus is popular, but I'm thinking that's too easy. How about Falling Leaves?

  2. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Can't wait to see all of those socks! Beautiful flowers.

  3. Anonymous5:15 pm

    It's great to hear how happy you sound. See, I told you it would be a good decision!
    My retirement function is this afternoon, so I'll tootle over to it after spending time spinning today. Maybe I should have a little lie-down to try to rid myself of some of my crinkly wrinkles!! I might even pull apart a jacket I made ages ago and have not been happy with - maybe because it's beige!! And here I thought it was moorit LOL.
    Great idea with the socks, too. I've become a bit enamoured with the sock-making, but am getting aching hands and arms from trying to get so many things done!

  4. What a cool goal! I now you'll have the time - at least for the next little bits.

    That Chesire is mad cute!

  5. Oh yeah - I meant to add - are the socks Potomos, Potamas, oh you know which I mean :)

  6. Falling Leaves??

    Great idea for the calendar by the way ;)

  7. Socks are so much fun and it sounds Like you are having a really nice relaxing time even if there are dishes involved :)

  8. No idea which sockyboots you're doing but I'm not a socky person (yet). I think it's a brilliant project and would be great in the Knitty calendar.

    Interesting that you have the Sock Event Horizon, or possibly the Sock Hellmouth, in your house :-)

  9. You sound so much happier and relaxed! Yay!!! :)


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