G'day all!

Calloo callay! I am FREE!

OK, I am also unemployed. Ooops, "between jobs."



Happy dances of joy. Happy happy. Joy joy. No happy helmet needed!

No corporate crap to deal with. No having to make nice to people who don't like me and people I don't like.

I was surprised by some of the thoughts expressed by people. Some of them seem to genuinely like me. My Sydney workmates would love to catch up with me, the problem being they are in Sydney and that is 800km away. It always surprises me when people like me. The childhood conditioning of rejection by other kids takes a long time to wear off.

Some of them asked me the real reason why I was leaving - I had said in my goodbye speech that I kept a quote on my desk "Nothing in this world is accomplished without passion" and the passion had gone. It is time to move on. Well that is part of the reason. I told some of them the real reasons and they said it confirmed their suspicions.

What is done is done. Slowly I will be able to leave the old job behind and move on.

Go and wish Mrspao a happy birthday! And guess what new Knitty sock patterns I want to make!

I leave you today with these pictures:

My view as it was a month ago - crushing weights above me, daggers pointed, all blocked up and no place to go, surrounded by darkness, a bit gooby too. (Yarrangobilly Caves, Australian Alps)

Introspection and growing clarity as you look into yourself (aka The Snowy River not far from its headwaters in the Australian Alps)(no the growing clarity is not that I have rocks in my head!)

My new view - on top of the world! The possibilities are endless and, like the weather in the alps, extremely changeable. (Looking over to the Ramsheads, Australian Alps)

Your views may differ. I am sure someone can come up with cornier captions!



  1. Anonymous7:25 am

    woohoo! congrats!

  2. Yay!! Enjoy your freedom.

  3. Anonymous9:51 am

    Congratulations, Lynne! I am bogged down with moving stuff and just had to check in with a few blogs today before Bloglines explodes or something.

    I'm glad I caught this piece of news. Good luck with whatever comes next. :-)

  4. Yahoooo indeed! Crazy wonderful Freedom!

  5. Anonymous3:26 pm

    Congratulations!!!! You made it!

    Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes. It has been a momentous day for us both!

  6. Anonymous3:59 pm

    Dear Lynne, so glad you are feeling happy!! Enjoy your new life!!!!

  7. Yipeeee! Freedom! Enjoy!

  8. Ahhhhhhh. Yay for you, Lynne!

  9. Anonymous1:55 am

    Yay - isn't it the most lushious feeling - well done!

  10. Congrats!!! And I bet it was good to get some affirmation (however belated) from coworkers.

    I love your photos of Australia...

  11. Anonymous7:53 pm

    Love the piccies..You are very talented.

    As for being free...Good luck. Hope you find another job soon. And you are brave for taking the huge step.



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