
G'day all!

Yesterday I finally did something I've been wanting to do for years. Here's the result:

Ooopsie. I didn't expect all of the ends to go a very pretty shade of green. It was meant to have five thick blue streaks, not a lot of green 8-) It is a little startling! I guess those ends are the ones that used to get highlighted three or so years ago... But I like it anyway :-)

Noone has guessed what the emerald green sock is, so I will reveal it in all its glory! I give you Baudelaire!

(The sock has just gone for a ride to Monash Uni and back, and has reclined in numerous winter/early spring flowering shrubs - more on that another time!)

The heel in Baudelaire is fascinating. First you start shortrowing on les than the full number of stitches, then you pick up the shortrowed stitches and then start "zipping up" the gusset part of the heel. The finished result looks like this on my sock:

Nifty, eh? I call it the zipper heel cos you zip up the gusset stitches. I am sure that someone will enlighten me as to its proper name.

I've been doing a bit more dyeing too - one a lovely turquoisey bluey green but it isn't dry yet, and two different lots of purply/plummy/blues. I've discovered that I don't get very deep colours if I just dunk the yarn in the dyepot - to get dark colours I need to paint the dye on and steam the yarn instead.

There's about 300m of yarn in that lot if I remember correctly. It will be going up on my yarn for sale page if I can ever work out CSS and shopping carts. 8-) AUD20 plus postage if you like it enough to snaffle it before I get the webpage working.

Here's a little weirdness. What happens when you cross a miniature gold coloured rose (Sequoia Gold) and a climbing (rather ugly) pinkish rose (Muriel)? You get Out of Yesteryear, a whitish very full flowered, old fashioned looking rose, and you can also get a pink and yellow single rose called Star Magic! Just goes to show how complicated breeding roses (or really any plant or animal) is after we've been messing with the genes for generations. No cutting and splicing of DNA required! (BTw, I love Paul Barden's old roe website - hence the links.)

And something that is not surprising - a study published in Science has found that money does not make happiness (as long as you have a certain income).

Also not surprising but of great value - finding different ways to teach kids with various learning difficulties.

Maybe next time - a sock monkey! Gibbering is making lots of sock monkeys. Plus maybe Baudelaire goes to Monash Uni.



  1. I'm glad to say that most of the learning difficulties article is stuff already done by our local primary school. They have come a long way over the last few years! Tics are something we are learning more about right now - though that article said that Tourettes is motor OR verbal tics, technically it actually has to be both, just one or the other has a different diagnosis - but none of these things are cast in stone.

  2. Anonymous3:58 am

    Is that your hair thats green!?!? If so you joined the green hair club!!! I did mine last year. There are piccies somewhere on my blog of it. Mine was meant to be blue too...sigh

    Socks look gorgeous. Dyeing looks gorgeous too! BTW you still have to contact me about payment for that gorgeous wool I got from you! I feel really guilty about not paying you for it!!


  3. Oh my - very green!

    Matches your sock. :o)

  4. I do like that Baudelaire matches your hair! That could get tricky if you start a sock with many colors. ;)

  5. I love the hair and the sock. I've always wanted to dye sections of my hair a cool color but that's frowned upon for professionals in stuffy law offices. So sad!

  6. You always dye such gorgeous stuff. Even your hair! The socks are looking great too!

  7. Anonymous4:11 pm

    I couldn't guess from your clue as the link wouldn't work for me, but I am in love with your sock!!!! I love green, but I could never dye my hair as I would need ALL the greens there were!!! My roses are all pruned and sad sticky things now. I am watching for any sign of new green shoots!!!

  8. Hi,I wanted to do a hot pink streak just through the edge of my fringe but H frowned and said I was not young enough to carry it off!
    Thanks for photos of sock construction,the short row thing? ,I couldn't understand what it meant til now!!!!

  9. Go Lynne go! I love the green streaks!


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