Pictures! Honest!

G'day all!

I have deliberately made a little blogging time tonight.

Go stick yourself on my Frappr. Please :-) It is pathetic at present. We are all lonely on it. It's on my side bar.

So here is the picovoli. Do you reckon the neck is a bit more draped then I would like? (image not clickable)(mental note for self - trakky dax not good look under picovoli)(extra mental note for self - fix up the puckered yarn join on the front porch area)

I am exploring fixes for it at the moment. My current favourite is to run some ribbon/organza through the picots and tighten it up that way. Probably won't work though. Any ideas?

Hmm, my brilliant plan last week was to get together an afghan for our favourite Crazy Aunt, but it is going to go by the by. I can't raise enough people and I also can't get anyone in the USA to sew the thing together. I should've organised this at the beginning of November but I was flat chat then keeping the house and the cats going in absence of Nathan. However if anyone wants to make some Christmas decorations and send them to her post box, I reckon she'd like them.

I have to make one comment about buying a house. Ohmigod, the signing of documents never seems to end! All of them urgent cos either we have not received the things or we haven't sent them back quickly enough and the $22K goes through tomorrow for the deposit and then the rest of the money on the 15th and then BANG! Our house on the 16th!

We only have five days, from the 16th to the 21st to move and clean out this place, though we are negotiating a longer clean up time. The real estate agents think that having to deal with anything between Christmas and New Year is beyond the pale as far as I can tell. They were expecting us to put an offer in for the place but not jolly likely since Carl wanted $440K for a place that noone is offering more than $360K for. Plus our budget doesn't go that far.

Now because snow is hitting all sorts of places, including ENGLAND before it is even officially winter, I reckon I need to show you some bright pictures. Sunset from last night - wowza! The camera got a little excited but not that much:

Some of the flowers I supplied to brighten up the tables at Purplexity's wedding:

Carnations and ummm erp ornithoglossum? Something like that. Apart from the polleny scent they emit, they have held up really well - I finally threw them out cos of the pollen smell not cos they had died.

Finally, abject apologies to my blogging friends out there - I have been ignoring you cos I am a bit busy at present. I'm likely to stay busy until after Christmas, when I hope to relax a bit. And go back to work, boo hiss - I've got the two weeks before Christmas off. Not that I've told my boss yet.



  1. Good luck with all the house and moving stuff, I do *not* envy you the task! But you will be in your own place for Christmas which has to be worth it :-)

    I've added myself to the FrappyMappy thingy too.

  2. Anonymous11:29 am

    Picovoli - slip stich crochet edging?? This was part of the pattern for the lime eyelet wrap cardi from Rebecca, and it really finshed and tightened up the edges nicely and easily.

    I've avoided the Frappr maps, because you have to sign up. If I have one more userID and password I'll scream. But for you I'll do it. When I'm home from work. :0

    On the CAP plan, it is hard to rally forces at this time of year. I'm beeting she'll receive loads of goodies from blogfriends...

    And looks like you'll really have a new house as an xmas present. Yippee!


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