My lord, I bring news!

G'dya all!

I don't think anyone will say "I care not for this news, bring me some other news," well not with our news!

The financing is pretty much all sorted out. The first lot of paperwork is signed. As long as the building inspection goes well and RAMS comes up with the moulah, we will be in our very own home (OK, Citibank's home) before Christmas.

(Combine the happy Snoopy dance with Kermit's handwaving)

I have been knitting but I don't have pics today. Too distracted by happy happy joy joy thoughts (with no need for a happy helmet - anyone know that reference?). I started mucking around with a shawl idea knitted top down in some pretty loopy mohair I have. Then after going and signing our lives away, I started on a diamond blossom scarf (more details when I have a pic of it). No spinning today!

Oh heck, forgot to do all my shoulder exercises. Again. I've done a third of them. They are making me sit up straighter and pull my shoulder blades closer together. Probably a good thing. I'll have to go to the physio tomorrow and use the pilates bench for the rest of my exercises. All so I have a nice strong stable shoulder. I'm going to need it over the next four weeks!



  1. Anonymous11:55 am


    That is the happiest news ever! I am so exciited for you and I want to come visit! Now I have to combine your belated birthday gift with a housewarming gift hehehehehe

  2. Congratulations on being a (almost) home owner. What wonderful news.

    This Christmas will be your best yet.


  3. Congratulations! I hope you are both very happy in your new home.

  4. Anonymous7:55 pm

    congratulations! that's so awesome!


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