Me too! Me too!

G'day all!

Not much at all to report. We got the Archicentre report regarding the hosue today - nathan was reading through going oh, we'll have to fix this, oh we'll need to fix that, but it is quite frankly nothing that we didn't expect to have to do in the first place.... Like the shower is likely to leak. Well we were going to replace it anyway.

Knitting is happening. So is fleece processing.

Now the me too is all about me joining the frappr mob. Yep! Me too! Me too! So please add yourself to the map - I'd love to visit you! Erin has joined the umm not exactly madding throng of knit/spin bloggers :-) When you click on my Frappr button (on the right side bar) you can add yourself on the right side of the Frappr page. If you put your URL in the shoutout, I can visit you even more easily! :-)

OK, well I'll keep tidying up here. I keep finding little stashes of yarn around the place. And fleece. This is much better than stash diving - it is like S E X but without the hip pocket pain!

added later - must remember not to tidy. I just spent 10 minutes wandering the house looking for my current knitting project. I even went out to the car in case I for some unknown reason had taken it for a drive when I dropped DH off at choir. I was starting to get quite worried. Dementia is setting in early! I could not find my knitting, and when I take a pic of it, you'll know why I think it should be obvious.... Of course, since I removed most the yarn from my desk and put it away and filed a big stack of papers and found some old projects I had forgotten all about, I had upended my normal filing system (most recent on top). When I dug under all of the stuff remaining on my desk, guess what I found?

Ah, all is well with my world. For a few seconds anyway.



  1. Tidying is a very dangerous thing. I can't find anything after I clean up. Clutter means you have a higher form of organization ;)

  2. Thanks for pinning my Frapper; I'm on my way now to pin yours!

    Expect an email in the next few minutes about you know what for you know who for you know when. ;)


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