Stop press!

G'day all!

At 11pm on Thursday, Nathan told me that the 4 year old daughter of his best mate just so happens to particularly like a certain ball of yarn I have. It is a yarn with puffs of wool sticking out in bobbles. It is blue, red, pink. green, yellow, mauve, and all shades in between.

The child has excellent taste.

Why was it a problem that I got told at 11pm? Well, this little girl and her baby sister and her mum and dad are packing up to go back home to Virginia. Today was the housecooling.

I had roughly 40 hours, including two nights' sleep (I insist on getting sleep cos otherwise I become some freakazoid monster) and a day of work, to make something out of the yarn and give it to her.

So out of the way half-made afterthought thumb mittens-to-keep-my-hands-warm:

And handspun scarf-wot-is-to-go-to-the-scarf-festival:

It is time for Riverly's bag! Please be warned that you may wish to put on your sunglasses.

Friday morning I started with this:

By Saturday morning it had turned into this:

All those little bobbles had to be pushed from one side of the knitting to the other. Along with the tufts of mohair. Two hours of knitting and two hours of pushing bobbles to the right side.... Garter stitch would have been easier but it would not have given the smooth effect I wanted. All the yarn is yarn from my stash and in some of my favourite colours (ie all of them).

I like multicoloured stuff. I mean colours. Bright colours and anything that is pink or blue based. I can appreciate the subtlety of a pile of multicoloured brown silk but given a choice of that or something gaudy in whatever type of fibre, I am pawing the gaudy stuff. The observant amongst you may have noticed this. LOL Even the natural coloured fleece I am spinning has to get little touches of colour. I am currently (not at this very moment!) plying up some beigey/greyey Polwarth with occasional flashes of mauve and purple silk. Can't just have brown or neutral stuff. No, it must have COLOUR!

Many thanks

Oh, I must thank the Taswegian knitbloggers who sent such kind thoughts to me in a card I reckon was organised by Katt. I really appreciate it :-) I shall hop along to your blogs and be a better commenter (I hope). And thank you to everyone who has been so nice to me whilst I've been pathetic. I am fairly resilient by nature but I've had a few low blows recently and it can be a draining experience.

Jill - at some point I will take you up on your offer.

And Katt, the fruit tingle yarn came from Knit N Purl in Dandenong. Dunno if they do mail order. It is the only place I've seen the fruit tingle yarn. Its proper name in in the pic I took of it.

Finally, another stupid test for you to do if you choose. It is not a very complicated test and is very easy to manipulate. Still it told me nothing I didn't know... except that of the bloggers who have done this test, the majority have the same personality type as me. Considering that personality type is supposed to account for about 2-4% of the population, that seems quite bizarre.

My Bloginality is INFP!!!



  1. My Bloginality was ISFP. I am introverted and make decisions with my emotions.


  2. Anonymous12:01 am

    I am glad you got the card. Yes I am the guilty one that got it put together.

    My bloginality is ISTJ you are Intraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging.
    This makes your primary focus on Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Thinking.

  3. Lynne, Yes I have a HitchHiker! And it goes so nicely. I've spun up two nice skeins and plied them. It will be officially on the road at the end of June for our annual camping trip. Thanks for looking at my blog - now I must get back to reading yours!

  4. I spy the Wendy Rainbow yarn! It looks fantastic with the chunky slubbed multicolour stuff :-)


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