A more positive post

G'day all!

OK, had enough of whinging and moaning. I've sorted some stuff out in my own head and requested some stuff at work (such as the provision of feedback not plain criticism).

Liesel continues apace! I am halfway through the ball of Lion and Lamb now, though Liesel isn't overly long yet. I reckon she will be an easy length to fling around my neck in a most dashing fasion but not enough to double over and loop through. A pic tomorrow when my progess looks even more impressive - I've probably done about 15 repeats now.

Yesterday I sanded some lengths of dowel and shaped some points on them. Two even have knobs on the end, but the rest need to have some sort of stopper fitted. Home made knitting needles! Do they work? Dunno. Haven't found the right yarn to test them with - I'm not using the Lion and Lamb, though it would be a good one to find out if there are any snaggy bits. I just have problems letting myself use $33 a skein yarn for testing.... Like YIKES!

Pictures? You want pictures? Maybe tomorrow night when I get home before sunset cos I was a bit late today.

Today I had yet another run in with m*crosoft products. Ah, I thought that Word was my favourite ever program to wrangle, but in general I can wrassle it into submission these days.

This morning I played with Powerpoint, transcribing someone's presentation into the right template (no it wouldn't just drop in over the template - that is another story!). It is a naughty naughty little program. It is very stubborn. eg I want to use a 22pt font. It says OK, you can use it on this slide but not on this slide - I'm staying with a 19pt font on this slide. Nope, no 22pt fonts here! OK, so the title is in 22pt but I ain't letting on that 22pt fonts are available. See the list? It says 18,20,24,28... No 22pt fonts here! (Don't ask me why it then makes everything 19pt, which also isn't on the list, just cos the 19pt font is in the template that I have to use.)

Hands up anyone who has ever suffered a powerpoint presentation that is full of eensy weeeeeensy text that you can't read? Well I reckon it was a presentation set up by my work's marketing comms people. They believe that you should not use fonts larger than 24pt for titles and that 16pt fonts are perfectly OK. It puts a new slant on reading the fine print, which you should always do when dealing with financial services companies or any contract.

Today's tidbit of info. It seems that most countries that have suffered major upheaval, such as East Timor, tend to use another country's currency (often the US dollar). North Korea uses a range of currencies, but the Euro is most widely accepted. Is it a surprise that the USD is not widely used? So if you go to North Korea, stock up on them euros beforehand cos once you are there, you can't get any cash out of any banks and you can't use those traveller's cheques.

A second tidbit of info. Australia has euros too, but ours tend to hop around a bit and they certainly don't fit in your wallet. I'd love to see someone holding out 10 euros, cos they are a form of wallaby (a small kangaroo). LOL

Finally, some amusing and/or informative links.

Help save the endangered tree octopus (what a brilliantly designed page!)

Don't go swimming around the Gulf area of the US - that dolphin may not be so friendly after all!

A range of oils from Oz native plants can kill nasties.

And the joy of the Annals of Improbable Research, now brought to you in blog format.



  1. Anonymous7:27 am

    Ha - those links are the best. Good show. I am glad to see that work isn't getting you down as much. Sometimes it's all in how you look at it, although easier said than done.


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