An assortment of ramblings

G'day all!

Today I am going to ramble, maybe even more than I normally ramble. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Wedding, a year ago

A few people have asked about my wedding. I shall enlighten all of you who read this blog who were not able to come along (mostly cos you didn't know me yet).

Nathan and I met through a club called "The Fellowship of Middle Earth" aka FOME. The name of the club might be a bit of a giveaway. We are geeks. We like SF and fantasy (I am currently reading this. It is good. You need a copy too. Conflicts of interest? I know the author). We like watching SF stuff on the telly. We've watched all bar about 10 hours of the 4 DVD sets of the FotR, TT and RotK. We have a locations book for the Lord of the Rings and in our trip to NZ will not be afraid to use it to find some of the places we saw. I had been a member of the SCA for about 10 years until the back stabbing got a bit much (it seems that people whose ambitions in real life are thwarted turn to make believe to achieve those ambitions).

So it was kinda natural that we should have a medieval/renaissance/fantasy theme for our wedding.

I sewed all of my dress myself, unless you count the sewing that closed the back of the overdress, kindly done by my sisters as they squabbled over who knew how to do it properly. I sat for hours on the train (in half hour blocks) embroidering about 25m of edging. I didn't embroider the sleeves and the yoke - that was the $100 a metre silk. I finished knitting my scarf on the morning of the wedding. I had to have something knitted on and as it turned out, I needed more than a smallish scarf on the day. I finished the dress in the morning too. I was bored cos noone knew where I was and I don't have a mobile phone. The dress is not well finished - much more a costume built to not fall apart but not pretty at the hem, etc. I sewed Nathan's tunic - you can't hire anything that looks good on a bloke that big cos it is all made for average sizing. A friend had finished his cloak and embroidered it in return for Nathan making her a large wooden box. Our friends decorated the hall and set everything up. I hope that an enormous bouquet of flowers was indicative of our thanks. $50 of (mostly) native flowers decked out the vases. SCA arts n a z i s would've cringed but we weren't holding an SCA event, we were having fun!

I've put up some pics of my dress here if you want to see more detail. Plus there are a few more random shots too that I found that I liked. Oh and for those who are wondering, yes my hair was quite green - I dyed streaks of green through it. The next day I put some blue in too, with the idea that it would all be gone by the time I got back to work. Bzzzt! LOL. "Lynne, is your hair green?" was one of the first questions I got. Sigh. Blasted corporate offices. I wish I had dark hair cos they don't object to dark haired girls having burgundy and pink in their hair. If I could have my way, I would dye my hair mermaid colours - blue and greens. Sometimes I might do some pink and violet. It takes dye pretty well, being so pale.

Totally random links

All of these have amused or entertained me in some way. They may not do it for you!

I am very disappointed in my fellow Australians. Not enough beer drinking! Don't blame me - I would if my gut would let me.

A new Australian yarn magazine. Now if only my computer would talk to my printer (no Ubuntu linux printer experts out there???).

A Yankee gets turfed out of Oz for voicing his opinion of the government and the Iraq war. Sigh.

Jared Diamond talks about his book, Collapse. A forensic geologist, Peter James, talks about disinformation.

A random bit from some dude in the USA with new rules and a shock for Dubya.

Some really nifty photos, mostly from Tasmania, Oz.

Ooops! Didn't post this last night - better do it now. I started it nearly a day ago.



  1. Anonymous4:19 pm

    My computer won't let me look at the dress photos, but it sounds great. I love the Black Magican trilogy, and Trudi Canavan is a knitter too!! How cool is that. You are so lucky to know her!!!
    I will try to look at your photos again a bit later on!!!


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