Turkey day

G'day all!

Thanksgiving is wrapping up here in the US - we are as far east as any mainland state (Hawaii has a little more to go!). We've had a very quiet turkey day cos I have Nathan's cold and he was busy coughing yet another lung up. We were to go to friends but well.... I'd prefer they didn't get the cold!

I hope those that celebrate US Thanksgiving had a lovely day and those who don't? A far better day than me! LOL

What am I thankful for?

Friends who bring a care package around for us to eat on turkey day :-)

A roof over my head

New opportunities and ones seized in the past

Autumn leaves



Bucket of things but another time.

However I suffer a distinct lack of gratitude to DH for this cold, to sitting down on an open plastic box (ouch) and to people who think that their car is "compact."

Tomorrow is Black Friday, when the US goes nuts buying stuff. It is like the Boxing Day sales in Australia. I have to go out into it. Argh, but I need some Kona cotton for the quilt I am making. I bought two yards, I needed three. Poo and bottom! Getting the right colour is going to be difficult cos the place I got it from has sold out.

Knitting? Well I've been going through all my yarn and fleece and squishing it down in vacuum bags but the knitting has been a bit slow. This cold has melted my brain and I have been trying to set up the chevron pattern above the heel of the socks I am working on and that means counting and working out how many stitches and what the pattern is and oh my poor brain....



  1. Ouch, that bruise looks very painful. Thanks to other USA-ians I now know about Black Friday (which is apparently NOT Friday 13th!!)
    Good luck as you brave the horrors of shopping with a cold.
    It seems nice to have a special day to be thankful.

  2. Re the car - it's the brain that is compact...(-:


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