Back in unhome

G'day all!

We are back in San Jose. It is interesting being back cos it seems I am starting to disengage. Whilst I live here, it isn't home any more. Nowhere is home (but Home is Melbourne). I've been having a lovely time riding around taking pics of the autumnal foliage - it is certainly Fall here. The days (so far) have been brightly sunny and crisp (rather like the leaves, actually). These are the autumn days that I love - the sunny ones when the air is a little cool (not frosty cos this is the Bay area and frosts are not common here, not this close to the bay) and the light is oh so clear. The light on the autumn leaves is delightful!

But I am aware that it is very likely to be my last hoorah here, so I am trying to take advantage of it. I've visited some favourite shops and bought a bit (ahem!) of quilting material (well I had to - Rowan fabrics in Oz are some hideous price, but $10.50 a yard plus tax is a bit cheaper... even after paying for shipping it home). I'm eyeballing some knitpicks yarn - that will be unavailable to me after I leave (if you need to know, the blue and green heathered yarns in the Palette range - yes I am a masochist cos I want to knit a pullover for me out of fingering/sock weight yarn). I haven't hit the yarn shops yet but I did hit wool2dye4 and bought a little yarn from them (it arrived in a box that is about 18"/45cm square).

I've started going through my yarn to leave/sell/give away here and there isn't as much as I'd like! I've cleared out about 2/3 of a 66qt container and now have the washing basket full of yarn that I want to keep. Plus now I have a conundrum - the sterilite plastic tubs I've been buying for $8-9 in Target here turn out to cost $25 in Oz. Ouch! Do I want to ship some tubs home? Hmm....

Anyway I am sure to have something worth showing off knitwise soon, I hope - the husbandly jumper is coming along slowly, the husbandly socks are also progressing, my not Aestlight is almost done... and I have new stash (I bought some stuff for me for my birthday and then I was not back here for it!) that I should show off including a lovely project baggie for ME. Plus I have been reunited with my wheel, oh lovely spinning wheel! How I missed thee - I had to make a CD spindle!



  1. Now I am humming the San Jose song. I think it is an excellent idea to have a last hurrah!! I also think a 4ply jumper is a great idea. I am contemplating one myself, though my new cardi is 4ply too!! Happy packing and shopping.


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