Slow knitting

G'day all!

About 10 months ago, I embarked on making a curtain for our 3 X 1.3 m window. We don't get a whole lot of light in the loungeroom in summer - we get better light in the bedroom even though it faces north (being in the northern hemisphere, the sun sits to the south). I thought a curtain would be better than the vertical blinds we have. Anything put in their place has to a) block people staring straight in and b) comply with our lease - no bright colours.

Wellll things being what they are and a three metre wide curtain being pretty boring, it soon got put aside for birthday knits and shop knits and spinning and anything else.

I dragged it out last week and started working on it.

I only have another metre to go. Over 30cm done! Hooray!

Scuse the ratty shot - it is a bit crumpled.

It does seem to work as a curtain though, small as it is.

The shop shawl that I am making is also a slow knit. I have done 38 rows so far with "only" another 108 to go. As it increases four stitches every 2nd row, that means I have an extra 200-odd stitches to add by the time it is done. Yikes! It is fairly repetitive but has little tricky bits to weird out newbies and keep more experienced folks on their toes. Details on Ravelry.

Buried at the bottom of this blog post is a little something. A while ago, I said me please on Mrspao's blog for one of those pass it on first three people to comment will get something from me in the next six months.

It is time for me to pass it on. I'm doing it a little differently. I've seen a thing where the pass it on is a hand made item pass it on. I'm combining the pass it on with the hand made item thing and with my best commenter reward.

Before I lay my ground rules, Mrspao and 2paw, you are both already on the list. I am already plotting for what you get. Bwahahahahaha! Mrspao needs an award for being my best commenter. She comments on every post. (And never fear, dreamcatcher, yours will come to you as well!) Without Mrspao, I would hardly get any comments. Not that I don't love the rest of you who do comment - that is why I have two more possies in my pass it on handmade.

My rools for this pass it on:
1) you must have an active blog. I must be able to "stalk" you and find out what you like. At worst you must be on ravelry with a lot of projects online so at least I get to find out what colours you like. Preferably you are both blogging and on ravelry.
2) there is no rule two
3) you must be active online - blogging and ravelry. Y'see it is very difficult to get to know someone and what they like if the only way to find out is to email them. That means they know what sort of thing they are likely to get. Of course given I am predicable in what I make...

So the first two people to comment on this entry who are actively blogging and on ravelry will get something from me in the next six months. I think you will have to give me your snail mail once I confirm you are a winnah! Otherwise your pressie may not get to you.

Finally a gloat on the brains and livability of my home city vs its rival up north. Except then you read this about planning in Melbourne. Oh well. (BTW you don't actually have to read those linked articles, I just have to gloat.)



  1. The curtain is truly awesome!

    Ooh this pass-it-on (pay it forward?) sounds good :-) I'm going to Woolfest in a couple of weeks too ....

  2. I never actually got my original PIF gift from the person who started this all :)

    PS do I really comment every time?

  3. I'd never have thought to knit a curtain. Maybe one row a day will get it going!

  4. I think you've got your two post-ers, but heck, I just wanted to tell you I enjoyed your post and the lace curtains--and that you live down the road! I'm a Sunnyvalian myself, and I am on ravelry (keramoso) as well as a usually regular blogger (May and most of June were eaten up by school stress as the year wound down). I love the idea of Pay it Forward--hadn't heard of this before, at least not in the knitting world. Must try!

  5. Ahhh, I didn't even know I was nominated!! I am very chuffed. As you might tell, I felt 'up' to catching up with your posts tonight!!! I felt overwhelmed because you had posted so many times (which is great!!) and then there were just too many and I was so behind and I lost the will to comment!!!


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