Ode to Joy

G'day all!

I guess this starts the trip report for Black Sheep Gathering.

Odd that it should start at the end...

So on Sunday afternoon, when I had Well and Truly Had Enough, I sat down to watch the last fibre demo for the day. A lady called Janis Thompson from Dyelots showed how she blends carded batts.

Oh boy. For some reason this really tickled me pink! I won't say how she does what she does cos that is part of her class stuff but I was so enthused! Why don't I have a drum carder and lots of luscious fleece and stuff to put through it! Oh wait, I do! But the drum carder is in Oz and the fleece and stuff is split between the two. I really don't want to buy another drum carder here, especially cos I am looking at $400 and up (getting a good second hand carder is next to impossible these days cos so many people are into spinning now). That is a lot of money.

So anyway, she manouevers the batts in such a way as to make a long snake.

The snake gets longer

and longer

and then she winds it into a ball.

I am not sure why - it is actually a bit ugly I reckon - but I just went SQUEE! And so did a Lady of a Certain Age. The lady asked if Janis would sell it (yes) and how much it would be ($24). The LoaCA looked at me and said "I'll split it with you - I can see you will be disappointed if you don't get some of it!"

How lovely!

So I coughed up $12 and walked away with my last purchase.

And I tossed it between my hands

And I threw it in the air a little

And I squeed

And I smiled at it

And it glimmered back at me

And I tossed it in the air a little more

And I admired it

And everyone who saw me with it smiled at me cos I was so obviously squeeing over it. Even the people at the fish and chip shop stopped me to have a chat about it. (I wouldn't expect a threesome who are clearly into alternate culture to be into someone squeeing over a ball of roving but they were!)


It got a little squished on the trip home. And I am sure I lost some just by squeeing over it. And I still think it is not pretty but I adore it and can't wait to start spinning it (stupid ankle!)




  1. Not pretty? I think it's very pretty, looove the colours!

  2. It's gorgeous!

    Pixie fun again: ingrown!!

  3. What a nice LoaCA!! I know what you mean, I have elbows when I am excitied!! I am doing catching up on all your posts very slowly!!! I expect your ankle is all healed by now and you are spinning away!!


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