
G'day all!

The weather has changed here. We are actually having Weather. It has rained *all* day - no hint o sun today! Very novel but for those of us who are solar powered, it is a bit of a shock.

I guess autumn is here! The wet season! Goodness no sunny days are forecast for the next week! (I bet they are lying though.) Must be a helluva storm further north if it is soggy here...

Anyway, isn't it good that I took some photos of wips and one FO earlier in the week?

Here's my dicky Rhinebeck hat. With some equally dicky expressions.

It is a pentagon hat from Anna Zilboorg's 45 Fine and Fancy Hats (or suchlike).

I thought it would work well to stand out in a crowd. I didn't use it for that purpose - instead it kept my ears warm and out of the arctic wind. The yarns are Cotton Ease (green), All Season's Cotton (blue() and Cotsoy (mauve). I can hear the screams of the Rowanettes still - you mixed Lion Brand and Rowan? Well they did match the colours of my pinwheel sweater (no finished pic! Must remedy that sometime).

It has a vine leaf pattern below and a sorta floral one above.

My favourite sock pattern of the moment

- one of my own devising. A repeat of one from last year that I thought peoples loved on ravelry but I never put it up there! Silly me! Well it will have to wait a while.

(Love the Eye of Partridge heel)

I am working up a pattern for it and intend to dye up more yarn that would work well with the pattern. Mebbe not such bright yarn. Alas, this craft faire is taking up all my time at present - I have to knit a whole lot of little things for it. So far since Thrusday night I have knitted a scarf, a neckwarmer/cowl, (most of) a pair of fingerless mitts and am about to finish off a little bag for felting. I have to knit more fingerless mitts (the mate to the one shown earlier in the week), a mate to the cowl, the cowl mate to the fingerless mitts almost finished, some more little baggies for fulling, more scarves/neckwarmers (neckwarmers are faster cos they are shorter! Plus they use less yarn...), some little little baggies for phones and the like, mebbe use some kitchen cotton stash for facewashers.... I don't have much to knit this week! Certainly not the things I want to work on!

Plus I have learned a trick about spinning laceweight and want to work on that but really? The idea of earning some $$$ is rather appealing.

Oh, once the craft faire is over, I am going to put all the items currently on my sale site onto Etsy. Prices will go up. I've decided that blog readers get first pick then it goes to Etsy where I will have to put prices up simply cos I can't spend two days a week updating stuff and writing things up without some sort of financial reward. Assuming I sell anything! I wish I had more time to update the sale site (now linked on the side bar) as I have some luscious recycled fingering weight chocolate brown cashmere, some recycled plyed up overdyed wool that is oh so soft, some sturdier recycled and overdyed plyed up wool...

Gotta go get some cakes out of the oven. I am making lamingtons for my birthday gathering tomorrow. Yum! (Birthday is on Monday, btw - I am turning Life, the Universe and Everything.)



  1. Anonymous2:38 am

    Happy Birthday for your Life The Universe and Everything Year!!! Very cute hat!! Love the beautiful work and the socks as well. I couldn't wear those, I would snag those little swags of yarn all the time.

  2. Happy Birthday! I can't believe it's two years since the party in the park.


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