Been digging

G'day all!

No finished object, or half finished objects, today!

No, today I went digging in my fibre stash.

Oh dear.

I have a LOT of Very Nice Stuff. So much VNS that I don't know when I'll be able to spin it all. I mailed myself some stuff from home before I left Oz - both airmail and sea mail, so I got a nice surprise months after I had forgotten about it (but thankfully before we had to leave Colorado). I've been to a couple of fibre festivals. I've managed to pick up at least 12 fleeces along the way...

Now the question is how to manage my fibre collection down. Half the stuff I brought with me has been given as gifts, the rest I hoard zealously, jealously, pointlessly. It will go in the queue to be spun up. Then I most likely will try to sell it. That is why it is pointless to hoard it - I don't really want it to make stuff out of, I just want it cos it is something I can't get here. I've always been a hoarder and if something is different/unewesual it gets hoarded more than the average, eh I can get that anywhere stuff. Which is typical of hoarders and magpies. We rarely lust after the common and mundane but the different! OOOH! MUST have!

I can say that I need to stop spinning laceweight/fingering weight yarns if I want to spin my fibre stash down. I used to spin up at least 70g of fleece a night and ply it, giving a nice worsted or aran weight yarn but these days? I'd have to cable a three ply yarn to get it to that weight. And it takes a week to spin up 4oz.

You want pictures of my collection? Well most of it just looks like bags of fuzzy brown, grey and white stuff, with quite a number of boxes of fleece. No pics - they are duller than a blog post without pics!

And why do I want to manage the fibre stash down? Wellll.... Stitches West hits town at the end of this month. Ahem. More fibre and yarn.

Which reminds me - I went out yesterday to buy a couple of skeins of yarn and came home with (hopefully) a cardi worth. Ooops! Rotten sales... Shall take pics and reveal my naughtiness for all to see.



  1. Oh yes, please. We want to see your naughtiness! I can understand the hoarding - I have a cupboard of lovely stuff which I haven't worked with yet but it is nice to get out and stroke occasionally.

  2. I know that of which you speak. I too am a horder. Not to mention a fine spinner. It's going to take me a lifetime and a half to finish all my stash unless I can figure out how to spin heavier. I do have to say that the production wheels are making even the fine spinning a quicker process. Now I just need to sit down at them ;) good luck with your hording!


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