Almost over and AKC

G'day all!

Thank heavens that May is almost over. May is my least favourite month of the year, even less favourite than April (days shortening rapidly) and July (winter - need I say more?). May is the death month. At the start of the month is my father's deathiversary and at the end, my mother's. You can probably see why I don't like May.

Yesterday was a particularly bad day, being Mum's deathiversary and all. I always get grumpy on that day (when I was working I always tried to take that day off but last year my then boss scheduled me to run training that day and I couldn't change it). Things are always going wrong on that day (even down stupid little things like pouring a glass of juice and the juice splashing only once and that once being straight up onto my glasses or the roast chicken's oven bag bursting two seconds before I tried to pour the juices out, leading to me, the stove and the floor being covered in roast chicken juices. Not that those things happened yesterday or anything. no no not at all).

At least this May has brought some rain. The first two weeks of last year's May was very wet and we installed our new water tank the day that the rains stopped. We had half our average annual rainfall after putting the tank in. A year and two weeks later and the tanks, all 10,000 litres or so of them, are full as a goog and overflowing. We are not quite sure what to do with the water now!

Plus I had a good SnB last night, took along yarn, sold lots of it!!!! and got a little address book so that I can remember people from the Melbourne SnB :-) (Doh, forgot to write info into the book last night. Silly me!)

April and May were spring colours in Project Spectrum. My niece's baby, being a girl, helped me make some good PS items:

The whole baby dress outfit - shoes, bonnet, dress (I bet by the time she is big enough for it, she will be at the pulling shoes and head coverings off stage)

the baby wrap jacket

a cardi. All done, all ends sewn in, all ready to be given to my niece. But when will I find the time? She lives about half an hour or so away and whilst that is not a great time investment, by the time we've done the whole visiting thing it will take an afternoon. At the moment finding a spare afternoon is umm interesting.

I have received good news about fleece importation into the USA. Turns out that the USA is the only country in the world that does not need greasy fleece to be certified "clean" by quarantine. As long as it isn't full of muck or VM, it is fine. So my clean, half flicked fleece should have no problems whatsoever. Hooray! Plus that means I can order fleece from here if I have an urge to spin some Wendy Dennis Polwarth or something yummy from Andyle and Kan-B colours, my favourite suppliers.

Plans for the rest of the week? Continue working on the wrap I am making for my niece. Clean out more of the garage. Get ready for a working bee on Saturday. Get the next sheet of tile stuff up on the wall (still hasn't happened and it has been so cold and damp here this week that the silicon I used on the end of the other sheet is still not cured properly!). Go do some shopping so I have yummy biscuits to eat and some breakfast as well. Buy some more vacuum bags to pack yarn and fleece into (fleece is not being greatly compressed but just some so it is easier to pack into boxes, etc). Go to crafties tonight. Go to tribal dinner tomorrow night. Feel crabby because we forgot to put the stinking garbage bin out and it is too late to get it collected this week.



  1. Anonymous7:51 pm

    Your knitting is so beautiful: that dark pink colour looks so rich. We have had so much rain here, we might make average rainfall!! We are very excited!!!

  2. Anonymous8:45 pm

    The wool you used for the baby dress is absolutely scrumptious! Is that you own hand dyed yarn? It's just beautiful!

    Lovin' the rain here in central Vic as well. Yay!

  3. I completely agree with the others, the dark pink colour you used for the dress is REALLY nice, brings out the fine work you did.

  4. The baby knits are lovely, very impressed you are doing all that AND everything else re moving!


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