Still here!

G'day all!

I am still here! I am getting better I think - my brain is slowly returning to me and I don't feel so bad and I'm eating again! Hooray! But I did break a glass today (thinking I could open a cupboard door with two glasses in my hand - answer is that I can't) and started getting really cranky. If I'm cranky I must be getting better! Hooray!

I've done a lot of knitting and a lot of watching daytime TV. My god, daytime TV is BAD! Dr Phil can be interesting but at the moment the ones we are seeing are like BORE-RING! (We are at least two months behind the USA) Then there's Oprah. I didn't realise Oprah sells peoples' books for them. That is what her shows are - infomercials. Then we get ready steady cook, in which a chef and an audience member pair up to cook off against another chef/layperson - what can they make in 20 minutes? Vaguely amusing. Judge Judy. Goodness, she is a ballbreaker! Talk about no nonsense! Note this is me watching one channel only. Couldn't even be bothered grabbing the remote to change channel.

I have knitted items to show off - they are blocking at present. I knitted a whole jacket fronts and back yesterday and got well into the sleeves before I realised the sleeves were almost big enough for me (OK, not quite). So I ripped the sleeves and started again with a 10 stitch smaller size... I am currently working on a baby kimono top knitted in moss (seed) stitch all in one piece. It is baby pink with hot pink edgings. I've only gotten partway to the sleeves so far. Twil be a boring thing to knit but great TV/book reading stuff since moss stitch is not exactly hard to do.

OK, gotta go turn off the dye pot. I've been trying my hand at dyeing yarn to match some great Aussie reds. I don't think I've managed that, particularly since one of my favourite colours suddenly ran out and it is the perfect base colour, but we live.



  1. You definitely sound like you have more energy!!

  2. Hope you're continuing to feel better. Thanks again for helping me out on Sunday. After some frogging (too few stitches the first time, then I decided I didn't like that yarn and went for another) I'm part way up the foot of both!


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