Mini wool expo

G'day all!

Today was the annual local handknitters' guild's big wool expo (aka the mini wool expo ;-). I was up at the crack of dawn, heart pounding (alas, it was not from excitement, more something to do with work) and eventually made my way out of the house and off to the wilds of Coburg.

The Coburg town hall is right next to Pentridge Prison, now not a prison but a place for a whole lot of yuppie hutches with concomitant yuppies and baby boomers, etc - anyone cashed up enough who thinks living inside prison walls is grand (but then again, don't we all make our own prisons to some degree?). The hall is also a theatre like space with a second level and grand balcony, but generally in winter it is just plain cold and not very well lit.

First thing when I walked in the door was I saw Peevish and her husband, and about half a millisecond later, D. They were all at the Artisan book stall. After two visits to the books, I came away with this:

(not clickable)

Gosh I had a good chat with D. It was excellent. I also had a good chat with Trudi. Actually we just wouldn't shut up. It is good to catch up with friends. I didn't take pics though cos I deliberately left the camera at home.

I had to be good today because I am a bit worried about the money situation if I have to quit. Also, I had forgotten that various of the traders don't take my crreeedit card. Ooops. So all I came home with apart from the book was

This luscious 100 and something gram skein of fingering weight polwarth and silk mix to dye up (drrroool-dr-rool - you would if you could fondle it). I love the way the end of the skein looks like a snail shell. Total coincidence. I certainly won't be dyeing it like the local introduced land snails - all browns. Yuck! No, it will become pretty colours. Not sure what though.

this pretty skein of 8 ply (DK/worstedish) polwarth,
(both from Wendy Dennis)

and this this most excellent and gorgeous hank of mulberry silk dyed up and hand spun by Ixchel.

It is a colourway called Galadriel. I've left her contact details obvious on the larger version - free advertising! Oh boy does she have a LOT of absolutely gorgeous yarn! Plus she is now into weaving and angora bunnies. I bought this because I loved the colour and loved the feel of it (but I do admit I don't enjoy the smell). It is my indulgence to take to work and fondle when things get a bit overwhelming. I don't even plan to make anything from it.

One day I'll be able to buy some stuff from Sarah - she is such a nice lady.

I had a lovely morning. I got to whinge about work and talk to some really good people and fondle lovely yarn (and buy a little of it), and work out a little more what I want to do and how to handle things. I must say that seeing Ixchel's wonderful stuff, I've tried a little spinning tonight - so far so good. I haven't been spinning much cos of the tennis elbow. Tonight was good though.

I've also done a little more dyeing, but more on that later. Plus I've already seen a couple of interesting jobs online. An old buddy has offered me help with getting my resume together, and one of my sisters works for a job network (ie she finds people jobs). It is still all scary and I still have to deal with my current job. Tomorrow I am going to ask one of my colleagues if they will be a referee for me - I can't exactly ask my boss now, can I?

At least I have a few blog fodder pictures - tomorrow I'll show off one of the most amazing things I have yet seen in Melbourne. I was excited, you may not be.



  1. What a lovely morning!! You needed some fibery therapy, I think :) It's all so beautiful - especially the Galadriel!

  2. I'm glad you got out and about and did something fun with friends! That Polwarth & silk looks divine. I have that book, and it's great - one of my favorite reference books ever.

  3. Glad to hear there are positive things on the horizon job-search-wise!

    Love the yarn you got, especially the Galadriel and the STR :-)

  4. your elbow, my knees & right achilles tendon. i spent the afternoon spinning & plying, and have discovered that i tend to tip my left leg over, and treadle with the edge of my foot (i have a double treadle ashford traveller), which throws that knee out. the right knee is ok, but the right ankle is grumbling this evening(hah, it's almost morning here!)

    looks like you had fun!

  5. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Funny - there was a whole swath of bloggers milling around there and you probably didn't know each other....I spotted about 4 other blogs mentioning the Coburg thingy. Might have to plan a trip to it next year

  6. Sounds like you had a good time. Galadriel is beautiful. Good luck with the job applications.


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