Done - where's the fork?

G'day all!

Well the deed is done. I rang my boss and resigned today. I followed it with an email. My last day is July 6. This is excellent cos it means I get my leave paid out after the end of the financial year, which means I'll not pay so much tax this year - I think I should be getting about 9 weeks of pay. That will be most fab, as long as they tax it as being 9 consecutive weeks and not a lump sum. Plus I just so happen to have two weekly zone 1 and 2 tickets so I don't have to waste a monthly ticket.

So work for the next two weeks then a couple of weeks off being a slacker around the house, maybe have a little holiday away someplace, and then back into job hunting.


Once I had done the deed, I felt very odd indeed - wobbly, excited, terrified, pleased, content. Job hunting is going to be a big challenge for me - I haven't done it seriously for over 8 years.

Now I just can't wait to get out of the place. And I chirped up a lot - started teasing people again. I don't tease people much normally unless I am in a particularly good mood.

How do I feel now? I feel that I've done the right thing for me. I feel much calmer and more relaxed than I have in ages. I also feel a bit light headed and as if I've misplaced something. I'd be guessing the misplaced something is anxiety and fear about being sacked if it all went pear shaped. I'm not used to being an underachiever.

It was a bit of a leveller getting home and finding out one of my net friends had died. C had an unusual form of degenerative disease that attacks the brain. So sad. She was such a character and we had many happy emailings on the John and Delenn list. C, I hope you are doing backstroke in a gutter and gazing up at the stars, never minding what on earth those substances are that you are doing backstroke in....

Now for some happy pictures

Fleece heaven - I washed a heap of coloured polwarth the other day and dried it in the greenhouse on a sunny day. It is roolly noice. Mmmm....

Nutmeg in one of her particularly mutant poses. (not clickable)

Cheshire looking particularly pleased about something (most likely the fact she is on the bed! On the acrylic fur blanket that Nutmeg has been sleeping on for weeks. What is it about Cheshire that makes her go and steal Nutmeg's favourite sleeping spots? Nutmeg gets really grumpy and has to go find another place to sleep).



  1. Good on ya! I hope you have a lovely weekend!!!!!!I have a day off tomorrow,Yippee and I am off to Kal for a day of hair pampering and shopping(a wheel barrow ,ear muffs and 2 stroke oil!)

  2. Anonymous5:38 am

    Congratulations ! I wish I could be so brave and leap into an unknown (but promising) future. Good Luck !

  3. Congrats! You sound much cheerier indeed!!

    Sorry to hear about your friend C. :(

  4. well remember it is not a big thing you just focus on what will make you life happier as you can revaluate what you life may lead you too. just like i heard on one of the knitcasts. you may not make as much money with a life change but can be happier for it as you are doing what you want to do. I think it was anne modessett who said it.

  5. Anonymous7:25 am

    I'm so happy to hear you sounding so much happier already. July 6 is my birthday so I'll be thinking of you having your last day :)

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend C - sending you a big hug.

  6. Hooray and Congrats!! I'm so glad you'll have a couple weeks to relax and recover!

  7. Wow, amazing changes for you, Lynne. My best to you -- take some time for you!! I have done the temp thing and it's good for a while, but you probably don't want that forever. Good thing there, though, is that there's a fair number of companies that do temp-to-hire (in the States, anyway).

  8. Woohoo! Onwards and upwards, better things await! :-)

  9. Congrats I am SO happy for you! You definitely sound like you again. Definitely the right decision :-)

    Love the sea photos in the last post. It makes me want to head off there too. I guess I'm a water sign though so I probably should love the ocean :-) It was a very angry ocean (OK, Irish Sea) this morning with strong winds whipping it into a frenzy. Midsummer eh, LOL!

  10. Anonymous4:17 pm

    Yes, the decision is the hardest part, isn't it!! I am the kind of person who stresses out before decisions are made, but afterwards I am totally calm and happy with my choice and the world in general. Welcome to my world!!!!!

  11. Congrats for ditching the job.

    You sound a lot happier already.

    Sorry about the loss of your friend C.


  12. Anonymous12:36 am

    Well done, Lynne!
    What a great idea to have a holiday too - you deserve it. Obviously a good decision for you.

  13. Congrats, resignation is soooo much better than the happy pills. I had a similar situation and leaving the job set me free, enjoy your knitting holiday

  14. Congrats, resignation is soooo much better than the happy pills. I had a similar situation and leaving the job set me free, enjoy your knitting holiday

  15. Anonymous3:19 am

    Congratulations! Enjoy some time with no stress and you'll be pumped to find a better job.

    Glad to hear you took the plunge.

  16. Anonymous8:37 pm

    Congrats! Hope the future is brighter and better for you.

    Sorry about your friend


  17. Anonymous12:50 am

    See! Just as we thought - that feeling of a weight blowing off into the Seachange Beach. Well done


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