9 hours

G'day all!

Today I decided that since I was nearly out of yarn, I should set up the Tactile shawl for its bindoff. I decided that I wanted some sort of crocheted cast off cos I wanted to have little gaps between the stitches like the sides have for the YO increases.

OMG. I thought it might be done by lunchtime at the rate I was going. I was using a 3.25mm hook and doing a single crochet on each stitch with three chains between the stitches. Then I realised I needed another 5m of yarn. Umm, this is handspun and I have no more top to spin.

So I ripped it out and started over, a bit tighter this time.

Then I ripped it out and started the cast off again. This time with two chains only.

Then I ripped again. With one chain.

And again.

Finally I grabbed the 1.5mm hook (!!!!) and tried SC and two chains.

OH GODS! I only had about 40 stitches to cast off but I only had 40cm of yarn. Not enough for the job.

So I put all the stitches back on the needles for the UMPTEENTH time, single crochet into each stitch with only one chain between them.

15cm of yarn left over. And the edge is stretchy enough that it is not limiting the width of the lace. HOO-blasted-RAY!

Oddly enough I lost my temper only once, early on, and that is because the yarn and the 3.25 hook were not happy with each other and kept snagging. Shoulda taken that as a hint!

I am much better at crochet and chains now too, as long as I do it left handed. Right handed, not so good, especially since it insists on tensioning the yarn too and trying to knit with the hook.

Pictures? Well tomorrow mebbe, when I have recovered from the trauma. Before and after blocking maybe even!



  1. Hi Lynne -

    I usually group the knit stitches into threes for each crochet stitch, then chain three times before the next one. Makes more of a scalloped edging.

    It's a day late, if not a dollar short this time, but you could file it away for the next one :)

  2. Anonymous6:02 pm

    Nearly out of yarn?? o_O goodness I dont think I will ever know what that feels like

    Speaking of yarn. Do you remember that gorgeous 10ply in purples and blues I got from you a few years ago? I finally found something to use it for!! Working on it now :)

    Cant wiat to see your Shawl


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