Real knitting content

G'day all!

Remember those naughty naughty people at Curious Yarns with their yummy sock yarn? Well Rachel commented on my blog yesterday and pointed me to her blog with pics of the Candies colourway. Don't they just look like those candy necklaces we used to eat when we were kids? And of course how did I find that evil website first of all? By visiting Tracy at WoollyWarbler and admiring her budgie socks. No she didn't make some socks out of budgies ;-)

Anyone else want to torture me more and make me get sock yarn lust even umm badder? Show us your pics of your Curious yarns socks. I really should knit up some socks just so I can buy more yummacious yarn. There are too many evil sock yarn dyers out there!

Can anyone guess what this strange thing is?

I am sure you can see the twisted stitches on top of it - I will get them right one day but currently the cast on is enough of a challenge without untwisting the stitches that should not be twisted.

Remember I said I was knitting a shawl? Well here it is, so far.

I've just put it onto an 80cm circ, which is too short but will do for the nonce. I am putting waves into it by a simple feather and fan pattern. Of course this will leave a scalloped top edge, but I am wondering if I can do a form of short rowing to fill in the scallops. Hmmm....

We are starting to make inroads on the garden. I think I'll make a web page or maybe another blog of the house stuff, just to keep it off here. Nathan dug out a number of shrubs near the front door tonight. Now I can plant roses, or at least I can after we get the soil damp with grey water.

Hi to Annette of San Diego! She's just joined my Frappr map. Heh. Frappr was flavour of the month in November but now it is getting a lot quieter.

Enough jabbering from me. Here's a pic of the Nut (looking much fatter than she really is) and a hibiscus.

Nathan wants to get rid of the hibiscuit but I like it and want it to stay. He is wondering if he can take cuttings....



  1. Love the turquoise shades in the shawl. It's making me want to dig out the Popsicle yarn! I'm being a good knitter though and finishing my last UFO form 2005 before I start afresh. For now :-D

    You should keep the hibiscus, it looks very pretty. I was wondering yesterday how the kitties are dealing with the move. Looking very relaxed about it judging by the picture!

  2. Anonymous11:20 am

    A sockie toe? Congrats on doing the toe-up variety! I love the colors of both projects!! Marine blues, yummy. I've never heard of Curious, but more temptation is not what I need :)

    I was glad to see that the Nut feels at home and that you have a proper doormat in place. It is really home now! I would love to see a blog of your house goings-on. I am in a serious nesting phase right now myself.

  3. Mmm...the color on that shawl is absolutely gorgeous!!

  4. shawl is looking fabbo, i wish i had the paitence to knit something that big and complex.
    and just to tempt you even further i have a sale on too ;)

  5. awww, i like hearing what's going on with the house!

    and the shawl looks fantastic!

    what is grey water?

  6. I just loooooooooove toe-up socks.

    Love the colour of the shawl as well as the socks.

    I got some yummy Lorna's Laces in the colour bittersweet from Sockmonster and have knitted the 1st sock and it looks really good.
    (Will have to post a pickie on my blog)



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