OMG visas are here

G'day all!

Awooga, awooga! Visas are here!

This means we fly out on Saturday - we have flights booked.

PANIC! I'm a teapot! Yes the house is in a much better state but we have not done all the legal stuff yet. Eeek!



  1. Anonymous7:00 pm

    just remember to breathe! By the way i got the wool yesterday the clematis is getting balled up already for socks! I love the colours thanks! NicoleM

  2. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Congratulations! Eagerly awaiting the next instalment of your exciting adventure :)

  3. Congrats! I hope your trip here goes easier then the visa saga.

  4. Finally! Congrats! Have a great flight and let us know when you get here all safe and stuff.....;)

  5. Anonymous11:21 pm

    At last! That's great news, as you were sort-of nearly ready last week. Well done and enjoy the last minute bits and pieces.

  6. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Hi Lynne,
    Glad you got your visas. If you have the time for more yarn sales,I'm interested in the aran weight yarn but I need to know whether its 100% wool or not as I need it for a felting project. If the yarn is suitable for felting what would the postage be for 4 x 100g skeins? I live in Kerrie, Victoria (eastern slopes of Mt Macedon).


  7. All the best - look forward to visiting with you again when you get settled! (that sounds so American, at least to my Aussie ears!)

  8. Yay!
    i hear you were looking for hanging space for your dress? i can provide that, if no one else can


  9. Wow, congratulations! Now you know how long 2 American days take ;-)

  10. Many congrats and good luck to you both. Think of it as an extended SEX! :)


  11. Anonymous3:12 am


    That is excellent. You know, I've been following this saga from a distance, with the polite concern of a blogger, and then last night in the middle of the night (probably right around the time you got your visas) I was awake thinking, What is Lynne going to do without a car? Where will her tenants live? This is terrible. She should call the U.S. Consulate or whoever and complain!

    I'm so glad they've arrived. Now I can lie awake wondering how you're going to be ready by Saturday.


  12. Anonymous3:47 am

    Fantastic! Looking forward to your American adventures. :-)

  13. Hi Got the parcel today,its fantastic thank you!!! Where did you get that Merino silk,did you spin it,where can I get some more?

    OK you have better things to do!!!

    I fly out in a day,you're going
    out of the country and Im doing the tea pot too and only going over to Dubbo.....
    Any way good luck and keep in touch!

  14. Wow... what timing. See you soon!!!

  15. Anonymous7:16 am

    Thank goodness!! You must be so relieved :-)
    Safe travels to you both.

  16. Anonymous10:33 pm

    oooooooooh YAY about the Visa being in!!

    ooooooooooooh bugger about everything else not being all ready!

    sounds like Panic stations!

    Thanks again for the gorgeous cotton love it all (and the extra little goodies)


  17. Exciting!!! good luck, I hope you have a great flight, and I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures on the other side...

  18. Hooray!! And congrats! See you on the flip side, as you said!


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