Call a doctor, I must be ill

G'day all!

What a good weekend so far!

Nathan went ballistic in the fibre room yesterday and cleared out all the junk that I had been sorting from the good stuff. Suddenly there was CARPET! Goodness me! There is hope that we will get stuff sorted out in time - we only have four days now! EEEEK!

We had a housecooling yesterday so peoples started dropping in and chatting from about 2:30 until 10ish. We got to catch up with a number of people we haven't seen for a hwile, so that was good. (OK I told my friends, Nathan didn't tell his so it was my old social group that showed up). It was quite excellent.

Why do I need a doctor? (Because I've had a muscle spasm in my side for over a day now and it is only just starting to ease up? Feels like a stitch. Makes it hard to breath. It is definately muscular cos if I rub the bad bits it eases a lot. No, it will go away eventually. It is just my body objecting to something I've done - I am overly flexible and things sometimes flex more than is good for us.)

No, I need a doctor because I have been making LISTS! Yes, me making lists! I have been cataloguing my remaining yarn. After it is all vacuumed down in those nifty bags, I don't seem to have much yarn at all! I am taking one vacuum bag of yarn with me - it has a number of projects in it including socks and jumpers. The other two, no three bags are staying here. I shall bite my friends and see if they can mind the other bags, all nicely plastic tubbed up and catalogued and numbered, and send me some of it if I wail at them and grovel for it.

Now I understand that the USA has a *very* good supply of yarn (and fleece) but you see it is not *my* yarn (and fleece) for projects that I have been daydreaming about for a while. Plus most of the yarn I have here I cannot get there, well not without ordering it online from Australia. Plus I expect I will not have a lot of cash when we get there - we don't have much money here, we don't have much to take with us *and* we will need to set up in a new place *and* Nathan will probably not be paid for the first month or so when our expenses will be greatest (eg we will need bikes and we will need a car and we will need various sundries and will need to pay a bond and up front rent, if we can get a place since we don't have references). OK, some places are fully furnished but knowing us the place we like won't be or the place will have been full of dogs and smokers, the smell of which I do not like. We don't want an apartment because we've always had gardens plus my small experience of living in an apartment block have been bad (noisy neighbours, elephant boots on the roof, booming music, late night par-tays, etc). Gardens in Fort Collins may not be very functional for a goodly part of the year, but they are not inside the house, and if I can't get a job there I will need something to occupy me apart from knitting and spinning and dyeing.

Having said that we are poor, I am still looking forward to getting to Estes Park. I sure hope someone will drive a poor widdle jetlagged me up there so I can hyperventilate at the goodies and do a small amount of damage to my Australian credit card and meet up with people I've only read the blogs of.... May our visas come through!



  1. I'm going to Estes from Denver, not Ft Collins - maybe you can hitch with Kristi?? There's a blogger meetup Saturday at 11 am - details at Margene's... which reminds me, I should note down that location...


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