So much to do, so little time, such a big post

G'day all!

Less than a week to *mumble* this time next week I'll be all mumbly! 8-) I am told there is life after *mumble* which is just as well cos I have Too Much To Do and would prefer not to do it as one of the undead.

This week has been incredibly busy. I had forgotten how little you can get done when you are out of the house from before 7:30 and you get home just before 6. OK, I did earn money and that is good cos we need it but four days of having no time to do anything other than work, commute, cook dinner, check emails and about two blogs a night, go out to an SnB, the gym or crafties.... Argh! How did I put up with this before? And I worked five days then! The kitchen went to wrack and ruin cos I wasn't keeping up with the dishes (DH did do one load) but the loungeroom is almost OK - I just have to throw out the newspapers and tidy up my knitting/fleece area of the couch.

The good part? There has been knitting! Socks are such lovely commuter knitting. Icarus is not so good mainly cos the rows are getting so long that you can't "just finish this row" cos if you stay on the train to finish it, you will be halfway to Upper Kumbuckter West before you know it (ie lost and not at the destination you want to be at).

Mr Sock last Saturday:

So here is Mr Sock on Tuesday:

And progress made to yesterday, with one day off to knit Icarus instead cos I hadn't written the heel instructions down:

No that sock isn't really nearly as long as my thigh. Honest. I don't have clown feet. I have size 9 feet (which some people will say *are* clown feet). At this point I will point out that the sales tables nearly always have shoes that will fit me, as they will have shoes for those women with minute wee little feet under size 7. There are good things about having big feet. Alas, I am a body size that is very popular, so there are rarely clothes on sale that fit me (but I make do).

Back to the sock discussion. Distinct progress is made!

I think it will become obvious that I am not doing the Caesar's check pattern - can anyone guess what pattern I am doing? It is in the book (Sensational Knitted Socks).

If I am really lucky, I might have one of the socks done by the end of Socktoberfest! Egads! That is a bit much to ask for.

I did (re)finish these:

I discovered that one of the balls of yarn was one full repeat shorter than the other. Totally bizarre. Of course I had knitted the longer one first, so I had to rip it back and donate some of its yarn to the other sock. I may be a lazy knitter but I do like my socks to be about the same length.... Can you see how one sock has a lot more orange than the other? That is because I managed to get the 16 metre long skeins twisted around each other (!!! gosh what a surprise!!!). It was a windy day when I dyed the yarn and it was being completely non-cooperative. You shoulda heard the hissy fits!

OK, a block of pics of some recent dyeing and/or handspinning. I may have shown some of these pics before but you are getting them again :-)

(commercially spun yarn dyed by me - two skeins, 50g each, sport to DK weight. Like it?)

(Hand dyed by me and spun)

(A 7/8 corriedale fleece in moorit/beige. Yes, me spinning beige and ENJOYING it! This fleece is not the finest I have but it is a great fleece to spin, is quite soft, and is coming up very well.)

(Commercial yarn hand-dyed by me in drying off greens and some yellow, 100g skein, DK weight)

(Commercial cobweb weight yarn in medium cornflower blues with a bit of mauve. One ball is a little less mauvey than the other. Over 1400m of yarn in those two, or over 700m in each.)

You can get a hint of my latest dyeing adventures here. Sorry about the crap photo - the camera really struggles under certain light (aka the light I mostly get outside in full sun here).

Today will be spent tidying up the back yard and trying to dig the mower out from under its pile of Stuff and mulch. The back yard is pretty junky at the moment and if people drop around for/around my birthday I would like it to look slightly OK, without about a thousand pots of dead plants and 500 million polystyrene foam boxes/parts strewn around and with the grass cut, including the oats that we planted as green manure....

Next, I show you something unusual. If I remember. LOL And I report on a visit to a New Pusher of Delights. Again, if I remember.



  1. I LOVE Mr. Sock, I am a sucker for the dark/bright variegates mix. You always have the yarny eye candy here :)

  2. All lovely as usual Lynne! I really like the green DK. :-)

  3. Anonymous12:56 am

    Mr Sock looks great! Love the colours..The finished socks are a gorgeous colour too!!

    LOVED the dyed work! You are truely talented..

    cant wait to see what the unusual thing is! lol


  4. You sound like you are enjoying yourself :)

  5. I really like your socks. Great yarn.


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