April progress

G'day all!

Last night near sunset I had a sudden madness - I must take pics of my WIPs!

Only I forgot one.

Anyway, here are some not so good (slightly blurry and wonky colour due to low light) pics of my current WIPs (except for one that fell down the side of the chair - out of sight, out of mind!).


The second fingerless mitt almost looks like this first one now. I had forgotten how quick these are to knit up. I just need to do the thumb on the first one and weave in the ends and then do most of the second one. A quick block and then they go off to my sister. I used this cast on (fiddly at first but then QUICK!) and some recycled cashmere I plied up. The colour is a bit wonky even after playing with it. The pattern is one I made up after having made a few Dashings and mucked around with fingerless mitts. It even has a gusset!

I had this vision of making a sock with a leaf pattern and a flower at the top. The leaf and flower are on the foot, then a leaf pattern will wrap around the leg. The yarn is the Lisa Souza in Spumoni, or as I prefer to call it Tutti Frutti or even multicoloured Fruit Tingle. Getting the colour right on it is amazingly hard - it is light yarn with lots of pastel tints.


It has a short row heel. Some people get fussed by the little holes in short row heels but not me! The pics show each side - they look different but that also doesn't fuss me cos not too many people crawl to me and want to see my socks up close, especially if I am wearing them! I might do the other sock with a heel flap. We'll see.



My toe up Lenores, well the toe of one. I am starting the increases for the gusset. My plan is to make the sock look as much as possible as a top down one. I have one to compare it with. Oh except I changed the double decrease to be a slip two together knitwise, k1, lift both slipped stitches over. I like the look of it better - it seems neater. Ah well, can't have everything. It won't look exactly the same.

I also saw this weird cloud yesterday. We get lots of contrails here but this one reminded me of a vengeful angel. What do you see?

Recently we've watched a few more brainless fluff vids - excellent knitting and spinning fodder. They helped me spin up a bobbin of singles that are destined to be two plied into laceweight. Superman Returns (holy dooly, Brandon Routh is a bit of alright! He's more metrosexual than Christopher Reeve was but I wouldn't say no! Nathan is now jealous and thinking he should go to the gym ;-) and the second Fantastic Four movie. I have no idea what the old Superman writers would think of Superman having a child out of wedlock - shocking! We've also been watching an old favourite, "Greatest American Hero." I loved it when I was 14 or so and it is hokey now but still amusing and not as cringeworthy as another favourite from then - Star Trek. Though I still adore Spock and am contemplating tracking down a con that he, oops Leonard Nimoy, is appearing at.



  1. All these excellent socks, and all I can think of is "I'd forgotten all about Fruit Tingles".
    knit on.

  2. Love the Concept socks, the Lenores suit your foot pefectly, Love the mitts (reminds me it's cool and I must dig mine out) Oh Fruit Tingles. I am a no hole advocate, but then I have only made one toe up pair of scoks so my opinion doesn't really matter.
    Believe it or not I watched The Greatest American Hero too!! Maybe that's the cloud up there 'floating on air!!

  3. That cloud is amazing, I thought "angel" too. New Superman sounds like it's worth watching :-)


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