Open slather

G'day all!

Seems like my little dyeing adventures are causing a wee stir on my blog. Quite frankly I am scared halfway witless - I didn't expect half a dozen people to start jumping up and down and squealing ME ME ME!

Here's the deal. Whoever is first to ask for the yarn wins it. You can email me or leave a comment and whatever lands in my email box gets it. Tell me what you want. First in best dressed. Up for grabs,

I have four skeins of the yarn on the left of the picture:

measuring about 90m each (some have more, some have less) for 50g of wool. It is 100% pure new Australian wool, spun in China, dyed by me with food dyes set with vinegar. From what I can read on the web unless stored in sunlight, the colours should last pretty much as long as whatever you make out of the yarn. The yarn is soft and knits up at a little less than 8 ply/DK/worsted weight. The rainbow colours include pink and mauve - a warning if you are thinking great for a little boy - as can be seen in this picture:

Price: AUD7.50 a skein ($30 Australian for the four of them) plus postage.

I have a further four skeins of a slightly lighter dyelot - by no means pastel, just not as intense. Same price and other details. Two of these are shown on the right of the picture.

Then there is the mohair blend - moahir, wool and nylon binder.

It is dyed black and grey with magenta/pink/plummy highlights using a commercial acid dye. I have not yet managed to get a representative shot of it, so there are a couple of shots there. The mohair is not the soft kid but is not as rough as 1970s mohair, which was like wearing a hair suit. I could not wear this against my skin, but then I can't wear much other than cotton against my skin. There should be over 500m of yarn in this bundle of 150g of yarn. It will knit up as somewhere around an aran weight. Note that one skein is brighter and lighter than the other two skeins - that is the joy of hand dyed yarn! Cos the dyeing is uneven and the yarn not as soft as currently fashionable, the price is lower than what I should charge.

Price: AUD20 plus postage.

Be warned, we have two cats. If you are severely allergic to cats, I suggest you do not want this yarn - it is guaranteed to have a cat hair or two in it.

Within Australia, you can direct credit my account, outside I can take paypal. Be warned that mail to the USA often takes longer than 10 business days (though I have had two parcels arrive in 5 business days recently - go figure!). Mail to the UK usually takes about 5 business days. I can't pick on the mail service to the USA - I have had mail to Tasmania, only 300km or so away, take as long as mail to the USA, and mail to remote places in WA can take four weeks.

So if you are first in, I email you (I'll need your email details) to find out where you are and what sort of mail you want. I can then quote a price for postage. When I get paid, I'll send out the package as soon as possible. :-) I'll let others know if they have missed out. I don't know when I'll be doing more dyeing cos my weeknights are busy and my weekends frenetic at present.

Business over, back to pleasure. My home delivered newspaper ended up against the front window today, so I didn't see it until I got home. This means I did a LOT of knitting on the train - over 30 rounds of April Project Spectrum sock got done. Hooray! I only have another repeat of the colour and the afterthought heels to do before I can wash them and wear them!

Speakign of Project Spectrum, our sunsets over the last three days have been lovely - they've featured a lot of orange. Tonight's was no exception:



  1. Pooey, I can't see the sunset picture... :(

  2. Pretty sunset! Pretty yarn, too.


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