The good and the bad

G'day all1

I shall start with the good.

I scored some Sundara sock yarn before I left the US. It came home with me on the plane.

sundara_dark sundara_mint

(I can't remember their names but the dark one is almost colour-correct and the light one is wrong but I can't be bothered wrangling the colour correction stuff any longer.)


Plus I got a lovely parcel from Dreamcatcher but that is for Christmas. So exciting! And nearly all the parcels I sent myself from the USA have arrived.

Plus I worked out a nice pattern for the yoke of Nathan's pullover and it is coming up pretty well. I have hopes that I will have the thing finished for Christmas.

The bad news? The tests came back positive. Unpleasantly positive. If anyone wants to know what a mammogram and biopsy are like, let me know and I'll get back to you - my online presence is flakey still (rather like me at the moment!). I will face a long and hard road over the next few months. Surgery, chemo and radiotherapy, in some order or another. I feel a little bitter. Welcome back home, Merry Christmas and here's a dose of a dread disease for you and yours to cope with! (I hate that I know enough about breast cancer to be scared witless. I told the doctor I'll be lucky to get to the appointment with the specialist given I'm likely to have a heart attack before I get there.) Given my private health cover is pretty low level, I'll be finding out how good the public health system really is! So far I'm $120 out of pocket for 3 dr's visits, the scans and the biopsies, and the bill for the histology hasn't arrived. Or we will be paying a bit for private health care. When we have no real income apart from Nathan's payout. Crappers! I think I should write up those patterns I've been sitting on (if I can find the notes now that we have moved) and get someone(s) to test knit them.

Back to knitting Nathan's jumper frantically. I should take some pics of it. Heaven knows we have plenty of sunlight here at the moment (though not right now - the sun set 40 mintues ago).



  1. Oh Lynne, I'm so sorry to hear it was bad news. I will think of you. Another dear friend also has breast cancer and I've been hearing about her battle with it.

  2. Anonymous6:28 am

    I can understand your shock, fear, and anger. I was diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer at age 47, 3 years ago. I went through surgery, chemo-radiation and chemo. I am now no evidence of disease. Thank God you are back in Australia with your family and friends. A support system is important now. Melbourne is beautiful in summer. I am american but lived in Australia in the late 70"s with dad's work. We lived in East Doncaster and I went to Our Lady of Sion ladies College in Box Hill.

  3. Oh no. I am so saddened and sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I have to say I am glad you are back in OZ with better public health care than the US (as I understand it).

  4. holy crap! i didn't expect that after the light chatting about sundara yarns and jumper knitting.

    lynne that is beyond shithouse! i'm glad that you're back in melbourne and the public system is pretty good i think.

    if you want an shoulder to cry on or you just want someone to knit with and make pleasantries and drink tea with then i'm your girl!

  5. Oh no. The lovely sock yarn and then cancer. That really sucks. The timing is never welcome, but the this timing really is unfortunate. At least you will soon be in your own home in your own space which hopefully will make recovery a little easier. Hope to see you at various SnB events through the year if you are up to it.

  6. Yikes! That's not a good welcome home gift. Though I'd rather be relying on our health system than working out one in a foreign country.

    Best of luck. I've known quite a few women who have had breast cancer and while the cure sucks all of them are still alive and kicking (as far as I know - haven't seen the ex's mum for nearly ten years).

  7. I am so sorry to hear that awful news. I, too, can only give my support to you with multiple stories of friends' successes with the treatments.

    The combination of our good health system and your ability to manage all sorts of situations is a good one.

    And the yarn does look good, too.

  8. Oh Honey I am so sorry to hear you have to deal with this now. I'll send you a ton of California Healing Vibes.

  9. Not good news, but hopefully they found it in time to really make a difference in the outcome.

    Will be thinking of you.

  10. Shit ! So sorry to read your news. Not the way to start 2010. A friend is having her last chemo on xmas Eve. It's been a tough year, but she's here, strong in body a spirit. I can only wish the same for you.
    Wishing you all the best for the coming year.

  11. Oh crap. Sorry about this. Abby is sending good wishes your way. Gus is going to keep his own wishes because so far he's not being very lucky himself and we don't want to send that crap your way.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear this news, Lynne. Sending hugs and warm thoughts your way that the treatment will go smoothly and that 2010 will see an end of this trouble.

    It's great you are home again, and have family and friends around you. You have such incredible spirit, and I know you will come through this with all colors flying...mostly PINK, of course!

  13. Lynne!!!! you re in the right place for all the medical stuff,but make sure you get a support network around you!! Im still in shock reading this post and am thinking of you and sending all the healthy vibes possible,hang in there!!!Knitting and spinning the best therapy!!!


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