
G'day all!

Today was our fourth wedding anniversary. Four years ago today I got all dolled up and sat around bored for half the day waiting for someone to come visit me in my chalet in the Grampians. (I had had my hair glued in place and it kept raining = no going outside for me!) Normally the bridesmaids get the bride tiddled on champagne but I had no bridesmaids - one of my nieces was off in Japan so I couldn't ask the rest of them to do the honours, and I had very clearly been told that various friends were sick of being bridesmaids. So I had none. Therefore noone came to visit me until one of my sisters came pounding on the windows and doors as I was just finishing the sewing on my wedding dress, and I was halfway in and out of it. One or the other of them (sisters that is) sewed me into the dress (best SCA tradition!) and I was ferried off to meet my lovely man in a cricket pavilion - a very nice cricket pavilion with kangaroos grazing on the cricket ground - and there was much rejoicing.


Our outdoors wedding became indoors cos it not only rained but it




on our wedding day. It was fantastic cos rain is common in the Oz Grampians in spring, hail happens but snow doesn't happen much at all, well not at 450m, but gosh I was cold! People said I was shaking like a leaf when I entered but heck, I had to stand outside whilst the choir worked out they were supposed to be singing and it was like standing in a blast from Antarctica (strange that, cos that is where that cold front had its birth pretty much). Brrr!

So in our romantic way, tonight I cooked an enormous lamb roast and almost got it perfect, if I do say so myself. Nathan got a card and a pot of zinnias in reds, oranges, yellow and white (and two plants that have not flowered yet - probably bright pink just to clash with the rest), and I got umm, well I ordered one lonely hank of yarn online and paid for my business name to be registered. And I bought a bunch of flowers on Sunday and got told Happy Anniversary.

I would point you to some online pics but y'know what? The old servers that we used to use have been shut down and I am danged if my brain will remember where they might be now... I can find one lot of pics but the permissions are all busted on the webpage that they link to, and they aren't the best shots, just shots of my dress and some vaguely amusing shots. Hmm, another thing to add to the list of things to fix up!

OK, well having bored everyone to death, I think I'll just pop off to bed now. You dirty devils - you think this is my anniversary present, don't you? With the indigestion I seem to have developed after stuffing myself full on roast lamb (with the best home made gravy EVAH!) nothing's going to happen tonight! LOL



  1. Congratulations. Your wedding sounds rather exciting - at least from a weather perspective.

  2. Anonymous4:14 am

    I remember seeing you photos and being hugely impressed!! Happy Anniversary and good luck with the whole selling your wares thing too!!! At the moment the snow cover here is good, but we have been having great thunderstorms since yesterday so I'm sure the snow is being washed away!!!

  3. Congrats on number four. May you have many many many more. Happy Anniversary!


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