Nothing like a new project

G'day all!

Y'know when I read that subject line, I see two ways to interpret it in particular.

a) Nothing is better than a new project


b) What I am up to is actually an old project.

Well I have TWO new projects on the needles! A new pair of socks (but as usual I am doing them toe up so the pattern is upside down) and a summer top for me. I've finished the second secret project, it is blocked, it has been admired, now it needs to be photographed and sent off to its recipient. Hooray for finishing stuff! I am contemplating writing it up and sending it to spin-Knitty.

I have not finished some other bits and bobs - they are on hold pending the outcome of someone else's not very secret project.

Wait a moment - I have to go rummage around for some photies. I've been a Very Dull Blogger recently - no photos! They won't relate to anything much but the blog must be fed photos.

Mmmm, something good for you spinners out there. CVM/rambouillet. Like silver clouds. Yum!

Look at that lock! That is about 4 or 5 inches of fleecy goodness!

What's your favourite fleece?

And for gardeners, here's a shot of our patio from about 10 days ago. The icelandic poppies are just coming into bloom, the plants that I've potted on are starting to take off - things are looking good!

Since then I've potted on a few more plants and split up some seedlings to move them into their own little seedling condos (little yoghurt containers). We are now proud parents of bean, sunflower, xerochrysum, basil, lettuce and rudbeckia seedlings. Plus I found a Monarda at a local nursery so it came home with me along with a punnet of small growing echinaceas. I love the prairie wildflowers that were local to Colorado, and the mountain ones - hope I can find some good stuff here apart from the pretty Californian poppies I see everywhere.

Time for dinner - going out tonight! A local knitting guild :-) Due to the kindness of once-strangers I am getting out and meeting more knitters, and being introduced to more vices (at least they are sources of vice - yarn shops!).

PS Anyone local like some garlic plants? I've got a few too many (for me that is all of them too many - I am not a big garlic fan!).


  1. I really like the Drops design you have started and can't wait to see how it knits up for you. What color/type yarn are you using? The plants are growing well!

  2. Oh, Lynne, that fleece is gorgeous! I'm just starting to think about learning to spin, and you are definitely an Enabler!

    The garden looks beautiful. I know you don't have a car, but if you do rent one and find yourselves in Berkeley, do a Google search on Berkeley Horticultural Nursery...just a stellar place for all kinds of plants.

    And for gardens in your area, try to make it over to Filoli's a stunner!

  3. Anonymous9:19 am

    Ah, yes, Filoli is a great place - don't forget your camera!

    As for vices, you didn't mention the newest shop that opened nearby (-:

  4. Hah! Now through detective work... oh, OK, through reading your signature file... I have found your blog. Thanks fro coming to knitting guild on Monday. Nice to have a new face in the mix. Oh, and lovely garden you're assembling there!

  5. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Oh, I do that with socks, I have my Upside down Baudelaires: it makes them unique!! Nice summer top too!!
    Good luck with your Knitty-spin too.
    My favourite fleece is one made into wool already for me to knit!!!

  6. Lovely to see your plants coming on well, it has been quite cold here and we still haven't ventured out to buy veg plants or anything!


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