A whining list

G'day all!

In an unusual turn for me, I feel the urge to make a list. I don't like lists cos then they control me and I am obviously happier being a free-range knitter.

But really I have to control the burgeoning WIPs and WIPs-to-be.

If I type something nonsensical, please excuse me - my brain and my fingers are not cooperating this late...

  • finish the baby pants and the singlet for A2's baby
  • finish Nathan's Christmas socks
  • start the shop sample for this month
  • make at least four little birds to send to various families with new(ish) babies
  • knit the rest of a bag for an AiL who turned 50 this year
  • finish Icarus
  • finish the scribble wrap
  • finish a curtain so's we can hang it in the window (but not so's DH can clock himself again)
  • knit another pair of socks for me
  • knit up some extra dyed yarn to show how some of the dyed stuff looks knitted up
  • dye up some yarn and knit DH a sweater

That is just the knitting. I also have to do the Christmas cards yet, printing pics to go with the cards, edit the gazillions of photos I have for the next lot of dyed yarns, possibly make a wyrm for someone who's been a good buddy to Nathan (actually I should be making half a dozen in that case...) - the list goes on and on!

Why am I whining? Heck it isn't as if I have to work as well... It's just I want to knit something for ME! I want a nice new sweater. I want it to be more like a tunic so it covers my butt when I ride my bike on these chilly winter days- no gap betwixt pants and top. It also has to come up fairly high at the front cos gosh the girls get chilly when I have an open jacket on! Plain or cabled would be cute. A hood is great. So if you have any suggestions, let me know! :-)

Soon I'll show off the commissioned cardi, minus the button, plus the recent dyeing efforts.



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