Icarus flies!

G'day all

On Friday I finally finished Icarus! I started waaay back in umm 2006 in about September or so. It was lovely but I hadn't quite grokked charts and some weird counting problem had me put it down. Then the Christmas rush hit and we moved and yadda yadda yadda.

Yesterday I blocked my little Icarus (3 fewer repeats of the ladder pattern cos I was worried about having enough yarn - HA! I used a little over 50% of the yarns I had!)


I chose a road less travelled and used two colours. I didn't have enough of any one colour to complete it so I did the lacy part in plain blue.

(not quite colour accurate - the blue is a cornflower blue)

(the obligatory draped on the broccoli pic, again not accurate colour - too intense)


I chose to bead every second point with these weird rectangular things - the other points just got some little seed beads.


I am very pleased with it - it was my first real lace project. It has taken long enough to complete! The yarn is from Marta's Yarn (now the Thread Room) in Melbourne, Oz.

Now I have to make a decision about mystery stole 4. It just is not doing it for me. Dunno if it is the yarn (my own charcoal merino handspun) or the pattern or what but I am thinking I'll frog it and use the yarn for something else. Like a small hemlock - I have about 900m of fingering to sportweight yarn...



  1. Ooh very pretty, I like the use of 2 different colours.

  2. Anonymous4:36 am

    Your shawl is beautiful and I love the two colours. and the beading!! Letters and parcels take so long to get here from anywhere in Australia, it is quicker to get things from the UK!!!

  3. well done! I can't believe you could pick up from were you left off with something you started in 2006. Fantastic!!

  4. that's a long time between starting and finishing! I'm impressed. the two colours look really, really good!

  5. Oh Lynne Its gorgeous!!Well done! but then again I have the utmost confidence in your knitting capabilities!!I have the yarn hidden away for this pattern but cant bring myself to start,want to d Swallow tail too!
    Will you have snow this Christamas inyour part of the world? Not sure what your climate is normally,its certainly isnt here in WA,watching a nice cyclone,hoping itll come our way..
    Have a great Chrissy anyway!!

  6. Gosh, shucks, thanks for all the compliments ;-)

  7. That is GOR-geous! The colors compliment each other so well too.


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