Mental note to self #564
G'day all! I thought the day was improving a little, not so sure now! I give you a transcript of my recent experience after eating lunch: me: stunningly horrible discovery. me: Rice chips are horrid when yoy brush your teeth after them. dh: ok dh: I'll avoid that then me: the rice and the mint combine to create a smell that is very very reminiscent of mouse pee in wood shavings... dh: rotfl me: (I'm guessing the taste would be similar too but I haven't tried mouse pee on wood shavings...) me: (this may or may not surprise you) dh: it doesn't, actually So I must remember not to combine the two cos really? FOUL! (Thanks, Anne, for the tip on the downpipe. Alas I cannot reach it unless I climb out the window into the fenced off access way. The bottom of the window is at least 6 feet off the ground - I may never be seen again if I go out there.) Here's a little eye candy for you. Hope you like flowers! Or maybe you like your plants all trussed up, in which case...