Half done

G'day for the umpteenth time!

I bring news, my lord (s and ladies!). We have a place to stay in Calgary (the youth hostel which is 400m from the consulate), tickets are booked for the trip up there and our Amtrak stuff on its way. I hope. Thank you all again for your good wishes.

I think you need a little something other than my stress flaring at you.

How about a little sock action? An actual finished sock! Yes I still do knit.

(Lenore pattern in the Raven series from Blue Moon Fiber Arts - you don't know how hard it is to type fiber, center, etc, instead of fibre, centre, etc. Plus the second one is on the needles! Me making a pair of socks! Unthinkable! Inconceivable!)

Interesting how the plying on the yarn makes those columns - I've seen that on Zarina and a few other yarns with a high twist angle.

Some more yarn pr0n?

Oh yes indeed you better believe that the yarn I've been showing you was not all of what I bought for me for my birthday. *blush* (But I did buy some as presents, honest! OK, two skeins.) This lot is the last, really. It all came from Brown Sheep.

Some white Lamb's Pride, only when I look now I can quite clearly see one is white and one is actually labelled "creme." Oops. I though I got a matched pair - must've put the wrong one down in my excitement!

A vaguely indicative picture of some Lamb's Pride in a yummy purple blue colourway. My camera hates these colours and won't take good pics of them. I thought this might make a great felted bag, cos you all know how much I love bags right? How many have I shown off? Umm, well yeah, I admit to not using handbags. I've been dragging around a calico bag from a yarn shop in Melbourne for weeks. It is getting a bit grubby and ragged now but I love it. It is from Home. Home is in my thoughts a lot at present, prolly due to stress and wanting something familiar.

So why did I get myself a new pussy cat? 99c (plus tax!) in the thrift store. She will be a great cushion once we are set up in the next place. She's all the cat I can have currently (hey, unless I find a GOOD soft toy cat. Most suck cos they look like uncats.)

Of course the bright yarn came home with me. I will probably knit some Christmas presents out of it. I am contemplating a pair of thrummed mittens, only if they are Too Nice I will want to keep them. You can see quite clearly why it is a seconds - it was not plied properly.

Then this is where it goes a bit mad. OK, quite quite mad.

Have a look at the label.


Here is one in all its glory - not so keen on the orangey yellow with the pink but it had to come with me.

And this one socked me in the eye so much I had to bring it home! They had a shawl on display made from I think the same colourway. I don't usually go for the shop model colour but it is so lurid! The closeup shot gives a much better idea of the colours.

Finally for my mate craftyscience, cashmere dyed and plied up (in my eyes unfortunately and totally accidentally) to look like a tissue sample dyed with haematoxylin and eosin. (BTW, go and say hi to Crafty Science and admire her new Venezia yarn - so pretty! She's new on the blogisphere.)

Is it my imagination or does it look sorta like a collapsed artery? Layers of muscle and collagen. Anyway it has put me off knitting with it even though it is soft soft soft. I might have to overdye it with some blue to tone down the H&E overtones. I'd best get off my butt and hurry up with that since we leave here on Saturday for our trip. I am still in denial that something that looked so pretty in the skein could come up so terribly when plied.

Holy cow, it is about -4C here now. Brrr! And there is a cold draft blowing in. And it is late enough that the heating has gone off. Whose dumb idea was it that I wanted to experience winter? Even a slight touch of winter has me reaching for the blankies and the mittens and the hats and the scarves, and that is indoors! I'll be the Michellin man if I want to go outside!



  1. Oh my gosh - I didn't know what you were going through with the Visa crap! I'm so glad you've got the trip sorted at least, and so many pretties to look at!

  2. I've seen some of the yarns I've worked with do that same thing. I never knew it was because of the twist until I started spinning!

  3. Good news on the trip, yay! Love your yarns, that Wildfoote is awesome. And nice sockie too! It's been quite cold here too recently, dropping below freezing some nights and managing 5 or 6 degrees in the daytime, so you have my sympathies!

  4. Ooh yes forgot to say, I got that column effect with some Jaeger Extra Fine Merino, didn' realise it was due to the tighter twist!

  5. I love your socks and I'm really glad to hear you found somewhere to stay in Calgary. You've bought some lovely yarn.

  6. The sock looks fantastic! I can't believe the ordeal it is to get a visa..glad you seem to have things under control now for the traveling, etc. Happy Belated Birthday. I love seeing the great haul of yarns you got. Some of those colors seem to jump right off my screen! ;-)

  7. Anonymous9:25 pm

    I love your Lenore sock! Glad to hear your trip is getting set up.

  8. Specimen consists of a transverse section of temporal artery, measuring 3x3x3 mm, all in, one block.

    Of course it could also be a May-Grunwald-Giemsa stain but dang! if it don't look like H&E. I'm sure it will look much less confronting knitted up :)

    I may have to chat with you some time about the BMFA Raven yarns. There's a few lustful eyes over this part of the world being cast across 'em.

  9. "Is it my imagination or does it look sorta like a collapsed artery?"
    I guess you'd have to be in the industry ...


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