I dyed today

G'day all!

What interesting times we live in. Nathan has had two phone interviews with a major company. Now they want to do a face to face interview with him at their headquarters.

Do they really want to fly him to the USA for a day? It is after all a 15 or so hour flight to LA and extra to the next place, and I reckon the jetlag would be horrendous. Plus DH is 6'5" and over 100 kilos (mixing my units there - say 195cm and 240lb ;-) and finds plane travel extremely uncomfortable.

One of my heels has been sore for a while - I presume it is a heel-strike problem - but the other day I noticed that I have a swelling by my achilles tendon and soreness into my calf. Lord knows what that is. Some form of tendonitis I guess. Anyway, off to the doctor I go tomorrow cos it seems to be more sore at present. It seems to get worse when I don't wear my runners. As it is summer and has been rather sultry (until Sunday) I have not worn runners much. It certainly hurts when I accidentally kick it in bed...

I did some fab dyeing today. So pretty! No pics yet cos it is still drying and needs to be reskeined. I think some of you will be very excited by it. I know I was :-)

Knitting progress. Well I have turned the heel on the second marble arches sock. I knitted a hat from yarn that I spun at the summer school weekend at my guild. Haven't sewn the hat up yet - not really hat weather here at present. I must sew it up and then take pics. It is a little large cos my spinning and hence the gauge rather vary, depending on the fancy spinning technique used.

Has anyone seen Comet McNaught? It is visible only in the southern hemisphere now, except for its extensive tail. I'm popping outside shortly in hope of seeing it but some clouds have been rolling up from the bay and it might not be visible...



  1. Anonymous3:56 am

    Hope your heel/tendon is OK, and good luck with the interviews- all the way with LBJ to the US of A eh???
    I plan on seeing the comet tomorrow night. It is behind me, behind the hill behind me so I have to drive to the other side of the river in the night time. Sigh. MrsDrWho might fetch her telescope from school though!!!

  2. my husband can sympathize with nathan. he's 6'8" and weighs 220lbs (100 kilos and 203 cm (if my math is right, lol)) and he hates folding himself in to "normal" sized seats. that is half the reason why we don't go to movies, because even as nice as the seats are, they still don't fit him. as he puts it, he is not ergonomically correct.

    good luck to him!

  3. Good luck to Nathan! Hope your heel problem turns out to be nothing. Sounds like maybe plantar fascitis (sp?)?

  4. Hello, I came to your blog from Minnie's. Cool post title.

  5. I hope your heel feels better or at the very least the doctor figures out what's up with it.

    I really can't wait to see what you dyed, you always make such lovely things!

  6. Hope your heel/tendon is ok now.


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