New Year's Resolution

G'day all!

Yesterday, in 2004, I said today I would reveal my New Year's Resolution.

Well I guess I should spit it out.

I will do my very very best to blog at least twice a week, with photos wherever possible. I don't think I can manage every day of the week though - I dunno how all those knitters and spinners with kids can manage enough peace to blog every day! I only have a husband and a full time time job, and that is enough for me!

I will improve my blog page and add lots of links on the side. I might even do a weekly what is on the needles and the spindle. Gosh, you are so privileged! LOL.

Do you really need to know that I will try to improve my housekeeping and be a tidier person? Don't hold your breath though. You don't live here. Be glad. The only rooms where I have not deliberately put yarn are the kitchen (yarn often travels through there or I knit or spin as I check the progress of dinner), bathroom (one of two), toilets (Australian toilets are generally separate to the bathroom, so if you come here and ask for the bathroom, I'll send you there! It will confuse you no end and you will have to ask for the toilet instead if that is what you really wanted) and laundrey. Every other room has yarn or fleece in it.

Tomorrow, or Monday, something totally different - KNITTING CONTENT! Or maybe spinning content. And an update on our floorboards. Yes I reckon you need to know! Even some pictures, including of knitting/spinning and my latest purchase - this is something pretty special!



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