Offline for a bit, most likely

G'day all!

I have to go to Sydney for a while. I will be online there but I might not be posting much, it all depends.

Things are not working for DH and I, being in different cities. I feel lousy about leaving the cats for the second time in less than a week, but they have a nice cat sitter who will look after them (they both said hello to her, which I saw as a good sign!). All my hard work in the garden, getting things under control in a few areas will also be destroyed, but if I don't go then I won't have a marriage....

If it looks like we can get things back together, I'll be moving there but coming home every few weeks to get more house stuff fixed up. I have no idea what I'll be doing about the cats.

I will be back home next week, but after that I have no idea.

It is really quite difficult living in uncertainty. I've been living with it for years. I find it very stressful. Taking things one day at a time is helpful but there are some things you absolutely must plan. And there are some certainties that I expect and have enjoyed for over 10 years now, and suddenly BOOM! Gone....



  1. Hug. Hope it goes ok.

  2. Sending Labrador hugs and tail wags to you, even the cats from Peri, but Gilly would woof at them. Take care.

  3. Oh, Chickie, all the best with your endeavours!! Big hugs and happy vibes from all the way over here. xox

  4. Go well. Uncertainty is a hard place to live. You know what matters most to you - I hope you can make it work.

  5. Hi Lynne, So sorry that you now have difficult decisions to make re your future. You've done such a remarkable job this past year, always looking on the bright side while fighting for a return to better health, so I hope whatever decision you make for your future will have a happy outcome for YOU and that it will bring you only golden days. Sending my best wishes xx

  6. Dear Lynne Im thinking of you and I know you are a beautiful and strong person and will make the right decisons for you and yours,take care

  7. Oh I do so hope everything can get sorted out and back on an even keel. you most certainly deserve it.

  8. Lynne,

    I'll be thinking of you, and hoping that things get sorted out in the best way possible for you. You've been an inspiration as you've worked through recovery. I wish you only and always the best!

  9. Hoping things work out Lynne. Alison

  10. Lynne, I do hope things sort out for you, as you truly deserve a break. Your strength and determination are great and inspiring, so I send you every positive thought.

  11. Dear world,
    Lynne has had more horrid stuff happen to her in the last few years than anyone should have to cope with in a lifetime. Can't you give her a break?

    Dear Lynne,
    Hugs from me to you - I was hoping for a better year for you ...

  12. Anonymous10:30 pm

    Hugs to you. Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

  13. Take care, Lynne and I wish you well.

  14. I hope it goes well! Huge Hugs for you!! I know exactly what you mean about uncertainty.

  15. Anonymous1:54 pm

    Well I guessed thats life, everything are always following the cycle and the law of nature.

    House Cleaning Wimberley

  16. Lynnie, if anyone can make this work it's you. We still miss you in Campbell. =(


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