I outsmarted a chook

G'day all!

I am very pleased with myself.

Goldie and Boldie reappeared in the back yard. Boldie was locked in the coop last night but I could not get Goldie in there by hook or by crook.

But today?

I outsmarted a chook! Yes indeedy, I have a PhD and am not usually considered a mental slouch but I am as pleased as punch with myself for outsmarting Goldie. A chook. A creature with very little brain.


Tonight there are two chickens in the coop.

I won't go into details cos they are dull and tedious but we'll just say it involved carefully placed grain and me standing in a very carefully selected spot (out of chook eye view).

My day started a little earlier than usual - I had to be at my sister's place by 8am in case the removalists showed up on time. They did show up at 8:35 or so - not too bad since it was booked for between 8 and 9. The cat was distraught - bad noises were happening outside the bathroom (the only room I could reliably lock her in. She is allowed outside but is old and a bit frail and demented and the furniture truck, the man breaking up the concrete and the gardeners would probably have been too much for her). Thank heavens she is suffering dementia and hopefully will soon forget the furniture ever was.

I arrive punctually (for once and in spite of the guys clearing a drain at a busy intersection - over 15 minutes to go 500m! Why did I just not turn round and go the other way?). A man is standing in the driveway, waiting for the jackhammer to show up. Why? So they can break up the worn and/or lifted concrete in the driveway and replace it.

Had anyone told the tenants? Why on earth would you tell them that their driveway would be inaccessible for the next four or five days?

Then he wanted to access my sister's power. Nope, not happening. I am not the tenant and I was not going to be there all day and anyway, find a power point that someone else is paying for! Plus he smoked and it stank. Last time I was exposed to so much cigarette smoke was in Strasbourg.

The removalists did their job quickly and neatly. An hour later, my sister's flat was quite bare of all bar a few selected items and the cat was totally confused. Where is the lounge suite? Where is the bed I usually curl up on? I vacuumed and put the foam mattress down for her.

A win win situation - my sister gets rid of furniture that she can't keep in her new place, we get the nicest furniture we've ever had. Honest. It is well looked after and really nice stuff. The lounge suit even has sprung cushions! Oo la la! Nathan's Sydney pad will look quite nice.

Anyway, after lugging stuff in and out of the car and getting up before dawn, I'm a bit tired. I did some bits and bobs in the garden - planted a cherry tree and some herbs. I'm continuing to knit a Secret Project. I have to spun up Even. More. Yarn. for it - it is just eating yarn like there's no tomorrow. I have to have it all done and blocked and sent off next week.

Worst thing of the day? Going out into the see through shed (local council says we can't have a greenhouse but we can have a shed made out of whatever we like and put whatever we like in it, or at least legal stuff in it) this evening and discovering the bok choi and coriander were riddled with slugs. Oh yuck! I had to pick them off with my bare fingies! YUCK YUCK YUCK! Slimy horrid critters! The slime takes several washings to get it off too....



  1. Well that's something yo don't see very often on a CV-can outsmart a chook!!! I am a bit afraid of farm animals. Generally!!
    Glad the move went smoothly, moving is fraught with danger, and how nice to get 'new' furniture. Lots of my furniture is 'new' too!!!
    I am with you on the yucky slugs and snails too!!

  2. Glad to hear you got the furniture and cat sorted out :) Chicken wrangling could be a new art form


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