A challenge for Northern Hemisphere Readers
G'day all! This is something I've been thinking about for a while. This pic from Crazy Aunt Purl reminded me of it. I live in a car-centric place. Mebbe only Los Angeles is more car-centric than the San Francisco Bay area. Even with the Caltrain and the BART and the MUNI and all the various systems that run around the place, including the light rail that we catch quite a lot (particularly DH since it is a five minute walk to his work from the station). We don't have a car. We only hire a car when we want to go travelling to look around this place or when we need to go pick something up that is much too big for the bike (eg when we brought home the six foot tall shelving). You might be surprised by how much stuff I have brought home on my bike, both with and without the bike trailer. Recently I brought home the new vacuum cleaner in the bike trailer: (That is a picture of the Great White Hunter with her prey. The GWH must remember not to stick her chest out so much lest ...