panic flap flap flap

G'day all!

Or a not so good day - I accidentally posted to the scarf exchange TWICE lol, and now DH has quit his job so we have NO INCOME AT ALL!

Oh frabjous day, calloo callay. What on earth are we going to do? Hopefully some temping will come in for me, but I was really hoping to not have to work full time just to keep us barely afloat.... I have to write this talk for next week up and I am avoiding it like the plague - I'm even washing my winter coat to avoid having to deal with the talk. Nathan is dead knackered cos when he gets stressed, he sleeps badly and wakes up at 4am and can't get back to sleep. He is super stressed at present (between a job that is really not suited to him and trying to get his thesis done and the report for Merredin) and that means he acts up badly. I am tired cos Nathan was horrible last night and then cos he slept badly, so did I.

All in all, a silly and stupid day. We were going to go away this weekend but with no money coming in to pay for petrol and accomodation and unusual food expenses.... We thought we could visit my brother but he is in Melbourne today. Typical!

I shall find something that is either mindnumbing or something I usually enjoy doing, and go do that.



  1. Try to have a nice relaxing weekend. Hopefully everything will be better next week.

  2. Anonymous10:12 pm

    Your last post dazzled me with all the orchids and socks and stuff and then this!! Well, what can't be cured must be endured!! I remember a crisis not long ago,and you have coped so well!! THis will be OK too!!!

  3. Don't worry about posting to the wrong place, I think everyone's done it at some point! I know I have. :-)

    I'm sure the job situation will sort itself out soon for both of you. Don't stress, spin lots!

  4. Wow you had quite a day!

    OK - socks. I prefer magic loop for all small circumference items, and so far have done top down with a heel flap and kitchener toe except for one pair with a short-row heel and 3-needle bind-off. I really want to try toe-up and other methods for heels and toes, though!

    Ack -job woes :) Believe that everything will work out! This is an opportunity to spend lots of time together. You will both be OK!

    Loved all the flower pics!

  5. Sending you a great big hug. I'm so sorry to hear about DH quitting his job and everything. I hope that things will sort themselves out for you very soon. I know what it is like not to have a lot of money or even any money as pao and I went through that twice once when we were both students and then when I was doing my MA.

  6. Oh no!! *hug*

    Thoughts are with you guys right now - hang in there!!

    Socsk - toe up, two Addi circs, using the Judy Gibson Generic pattern and subbing in whatever stitch pattern I like (usually without converting, so it's happily upside down).


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