My lord, I have news!

G'day all!

Well well well. Things work mysteriously.

Nathan's bosses would not accept his resignation. Instead, two of them seem to be working with him to resolve the problems (eg get something useful out of this data so we can write a paper has turned into this is what you need to do to get a result out this data). We'll see what happens. So at least we have half of one person's wage continuing!

I found a lovely parcel on the doorstep.

Sknitty thank you ever so! (and oh boy, she's knitted up some of my handspun yarn into fingerless mitts!)

Look what was inside:

(the lorna's colour is bittersweet - rather appropriate for recent events)

and wowee - Sensational Knitted Socks! Oh boy oh boy! Between this gift and Mrspao's lovely addition to my stash last week I don't need to go buying yarn for a little while yet! (Just as well for the bank balance) Plus I have a great sock book! Now all I need is ?Socks socks socks (that is the one you have Trudi?) and my life will be complete. (Almost)

Crikey! (Poor Steve Irwin, well more his wife and kids, family and fans, etc. For those that care, Colin Thiele died yesterday too but at least he was 85 and had had a long and productive life.)

I've been a slacker re knitting recently. I've been doing an awful lot of spinning instead. I have these mad ideas that I am going to knit a brazillion shawls, and I keep spinning up a heap of singles. How many shawls have I knitted so far? Hmmm??? I haven't even knitted a clap! (I started but the Lion and Lamb yarn obtained at GREAT expense to the management was so lovely that I decided I needed to use it for something else.) I am supposed to be spinning stuff to take to the guild to sell - I dyed up a heap of tops today for that very purpose. Hopefully I won't fall in love with the yarn. 8-)

Oh, and I totally forgot Farscape in my search for entertainment post B5. It didn't grab me as B5 did and channel nein here truly stuffed it around - they changed the day it was on, the time, took it off air, didn't announce it was coming back on air, put it on Saturday at 5pm - Saturday at 5pm!!! Still it entertained me when I could figure out what was going on cos I had missed oh half a season. Plus the Aussie actors and locations amused me.

Your funny pic for the day - click on it to see the particularly odd mailbox.

OK. I shall knit a bit of the hot pink jacquard sock - I was going to show you a pic of how it is coming up but I didn't realise I haven't even finished the toe increases yet so there is precious little to show off - and read more of I am Spock. It is amusing me.
I have written up most of the first version of my talk. I have to go through it and time it with slides and activities. I only have 35 minutes to talk in with a 10 minute question period. I don't think I'll need all that time, but the questions I am asking the audience might flesh it out some. I also have to look at this report for the country town in WA. (that is Western Australia not ?washington?)

But now? Sock knitting time and beddy byes :-)



  1. You know, for someone not working, you sure are doing an awful lot of work!!

    My purple mitts will be making their debut today :)

    Good luck with everything! Hope you get a little sock knitting time in everyday!

  2. Pooey, I get a blogger error when I click on the mailbox.

    I'm glad to hear that Nathan's bosses are willing to do some work to keep him - yay!!

    And what a fabulous gift.

  3. Anonymous2:09 pm

    Yep, I get a Blogger error too. Bah Humbug. Yes, Colin Thiele's death was overshadowed, but I thought the same : long and happy life...Great books..
    Oh what lovely presents!!How exciting!!!

  4. Anonymous4:40 pm

    I agree the mailbox piccie doesnt work when clicked on.

    Glad to hear they are working things out with Nathan's job.

    Oooh gorgeous wool! I Think Cathy (of knitters last stand) had the Lonra's Lace Bittersweet...She did socks with it.


  5. Great news on Nathan's work situation. It just goes to show that they obviously value him. You do sound busy!

  6. Hoorah for the good news, those are the kind of bosses everyone should have :-)

    Lovely parcel you got there too!

    LOL @ the mailbox!

  7. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Hi Lynne-
    Just wanted to say hi and that I'm already thinking of ideas for your scarf... now to find the perfect yarn!!

    Your ISE secret pal

  8. Anonymous4:46 pm

    Hi Lynne,

    Just wanted to let you know that I joined the guild yesterday and bought some of your handspun wool to knit pilchers for my 4month old. Catherine said I should join SnB and have another look at your blog - I love it!!

    I think I might start a blog, is it hard?




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