Very odd...

G'day all!

(Oooh, bottom, sorry 2paw, I've forgotten to send your yarn again! Argh! Tomorrow fer sher)

So DH was down for the weekend again. Whilst he was here, we applied to refinance our mortgage with of all things a Queensland building society. They are a long way away if we need to visit a branch (1000 miles almost) but they have a good deal, good phone service and good internet, if I can believe the online reviews.

(A tea rose, precursor to hybrid teas, whose name I cannot remember - I thought it was General Gallieni but it never flowers red, only ivory pink)

He left this morning to go back to work.

I've been waiting for something all day.

Nearly 12 hours after DH left for Sydney again, I realised that I am waiting for him to come home.

(English Garden, with black spot. Awful spring for black spot this year, so wet and humid!)

I'll be waiting a while - he isn't coming down until closer to Christmas. Then he has nearly two weeks here before flying out again. That will be lovely. I am sure we can have some ding dong arguments whilst he is here - we seem to every time he comes down, mostly over the house because my way of doing things is not his way and I apparently am not doing anything whilst I scour the net and mags and books for doors, floors, finishes, benchtops... (like he asked me to....)

(Christopher Marlowe, a less favourite rose for his floppy habit and lurid flowers - they fade to an outlandish colour! But he flowers well)

Soon I will cook some tea for me (I am concentrating on being a Victorian again - at some point tea turned into dinner but it is tea and I am Victorian, as in the state, not the time), and make enough that I have leftovers for tomorrow and maybe tomorrow night and some for the freezer too. I am going to try making a tomato based pasta and top it with smoked salmon. Sounds nice, not sure if it will work or not. I can eat it cold, which would be good as it is feral weather here currently and has been for about a week and will remain feral for the forseeable future. It is warm to hot and humid All. The. Time. This is not Melbourne weather! I got caught in a fantastic thunderstorm on the way to the refinancing - it flooded a railway line, it flooded some roads, but I was lucky cos it only rained and thundered massively for me! We haven't had a storm for three days now but it really feels like it should thunder soon. It has clouded over and the wind is coming up, etc.

(Graham Thomas, who is almost my all time favourite rose despite being yellow)

I am still sewing madly on the Secret Christmas Projects, well not very secret, and knitting madly on the shawlette that I wanted to have finished last week. I'm glad I am making stuff for people for Christmas cos money is tight again - we are trying to get the house stuff done on our salaries rather than take more money out of the mortgage. No pics still because I am slack. Instead we have some pics of the roses over the last month. They have been lovely but their time is coming (though the amount of water shoots they are throwing is FANTASTIC and I've been pruning out old wood once I've ascertained that the water shoots aren't suckers...).

(Pink moss rose, another whose name is lost in the mists of time. I really should not have thrown out the old rose catalogue that had the whole list of my roses in it....)

Still dismayed that it is December already. We have been home for nearly a year, and what a year it has been! And not in a good year. So looking forward to a New Year, hopefully a year to make up for this one! 8-)

PS - am thinking of making some extra Secret Christmas Projects as a competition on the old blog. I think they would be nice! But I have to pull my finger out and get them done asap, eh?


  1. Your roses are beautiful. I know it is hard to see him head off to work again but at least you are closer to friends and family than you were before. Love the sound of a secret santa kind of competition :)

  2. Lovely photos! The pink moss rose looks to me like Rosa centifolia 'Minima'.

  3. Don' stress about posting things, any time will do!! Beautiful roses, I am a big rose fan, mainly because it is one of the plants I appear to be able to grow!!!
    It has been a horrid year for you, 2011 can only be better!!!!!!

  4. I LOVE Graham Thomas, too, Lynne. Got to be one of the all time most prolific, gorgeous, smelly, wonderful roses, and named for an outstanding plantsman. Also love Sharifa Asma...light pink, and as floriferous and beautiful in her own way as GT...another David Austin rose. I think he's got the touch!

    Love the moss rose, too. I adored the moss roses I had in California. Time to add a few here, too!

  5. Big sturm's a comin'...

  6. The weather really is odd, isn't it? It feels very strange to get back from holidaying up and down the Mekong only to find it nearly as hot and humid here as it was in Thailand!

    Your roses are so gorgeous!


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