A month later....

G'day all!

It was my birthday a month ago today. So of course now I am going to share pics of my loot.

My good buddy Knittyinpink sent me two lovely books:


(neither of which I've started making a project from but I will! They are lovely books and very inspirational, I've just been running after different things recently... But many thanks!)

I also ordered some fabric from Hawthorne Threads:

Some Castle Peep FQs in blue,



and some Wild Thyme FQs and a little extra yardage. Goodness there is a lot of fabric in that lot of FQs. It isn't my usual colour style but I really like about 90% of the range so I got the whole lot.

And some extra bits and bobs that took my eye. I especially love the swirly aqua fabric, like LOTS! I want more of it. It is a Michael Miller fabric. I have quite a bit of that manufacturer's stuff. It is odd how I collect more of certain manufacturer's lines than others. I do have a bit of Moda for instance but because a lot of their fabric is off-white based or country craft browned, I tend not to be attracted to a lot of it. Michael Miller stuff is usually brighter, not always, and often kid or modern oriented, which I do like.

I'm still sewing away on Christmas presents. I finally have all the bits cut out, at least for the first batch, and when I've sewn up two or three more of them can start assembling them. Most mysterious, eh?

A few linkies for you to stop me ranting about Centrelink. I think I'm going to go to my local federal member and whine at his office. It is ridiculous, but that rant is for another time!

I stumbled across this interview with Jamie Lee Curtis. In it, she says she only keeps enough clothes for two weeks. Take a look at her closet (it might be shared with her husband, it isn't said). Maybe she does only have enough clothes for two weeks in there (though that seems quite unlikely from the amount of hanging and drawer space) but she certain has enough shoes for at least three weeks without wearing a pair twice!

I love this little knitted reversible toy from Spud and Chloe. Man, I want one! But it will have to wait until after Christmas presents are finished. They have a little knitted elf that is sorta cute too but reversible toy? Such a win in my book!

I think I'll make some green bags for Christmas, like the Sew Mama Sew challenge suggests I should. Then I can give family and a few friends (cos I am not made of Christmas material or time) a reusable handcrafted Christmas gift in a reusable handcrafted Christmas gift!



  1. I especially like that blue castle theme fabric! Will it become a quilt?

  2. Interesting interview with Jamie Lee Curtis. She does say 2 weeks "per season", so that comes out to 8 weeks of clothes. Keeping her 23-year-old's onesies? Too much! Perhaps she's traded one addiction for another.

    Pretty colors of fabric.

  3. I love the fabric and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with it.

  4. Yes, that blue castle fabric is really nice. So is the rest, too, but that's my pick :)

    Good luck with Centrelink, whatever the issue is. I think it was designed to keep the working classes in their place, and does not know how to deal with anyone else.


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