10 years

G'day all!

It is 10 years since Nathan and I started going out, as we term it in Australia. My goodness, what a lot has changed since then, and what a lot hasn't.


Oh my. How young we both are - this pic is almost 10 years old, taken somewhere around the Otways (southwest of Melbourne, about 2 hours drive from the city). (Excuse the size of the pics - flickr has changed the way it does stuff and I have to work out how to resize them nicely, ie proportionately? Is that the word? I'll blame chemobrain for this little bout of aphasia. I guess I could always just use the calculator...)

I know Nathan is half out of the shot but this is still one of my favourite pictures of us. It was taken on a totally brilliant day in the Rocky Mountain National Park up on the Trail Ridge Road. We had lots of awesome drives around the Rockies (and one drive memorable for the sheer terror it inspired in me - you would not believe where I punted a very small car. (It probably only made it cos it was very small and hence had no overhangs - a longer car would've grounded a gazillion times). (My goodness, gazillion is apparently a real word - it doesn't get a red line under it!)

Saying goodbye to the Bay area with a last drive around SF and down the coast (ok, I lie - we also drove to Capitola the day before we sold the car....).

How did we mark the day?

Umm, well.... umm.... I cooked lamb shanks for dinner - gosh they are yummy! Brown an onion (and I threw a sliced up leek in too), brown the shanks, chuck in a tin of tomato (minus the tin - just pour in the tomatoes), some bay leaves, add a bit of water to cover the shanks, leave to simmer for an hour or so, add a couple of chopped up carrots (and any other veg you like - I steamed some broccoli and cauliflower rather than cook them with the shanks), leave to simmer until the carrots are of appropriate done-ness, season to taste and serve on rice. Mmm-mmm!

We didn't watch a movie together, or do anything together really except for get a bit snippy cos we are sharing the equivalent of a dial up link. As soon as one person starts looking at a picture-full website, the other gets no internet at all (despite how this sort of thing is supposed to work, which is all packets are created equal and my computer's requests are as important as his computer's requests). We will move to another provider as soon as we can, but it takes time and by then we'll have full on cable again. But given how quickly we chewed through our allotment, we'll need to move to an ADSL provider who allows us to watch iView (local tv station's internet feed) free.

Hopefully we'll be able to celebrate our wedding anniversary in style (though I should be getting radiotherapy then - I really know how to wreck anniversaries!).

I am hoping and crossing my fingers that the runny eyes, nose and croaky throat that I have are not a cold. A cold could land me in hospital. A cold could mean my chemo is not going to happen next week. I want that last chemo to happen - if it is delayed, it will ruin all my plans for the next few weeks. So I want to be healthy! My temperature has been pretty ok - it got a little higher than normal for a while but that could've just been I moved from a cold room into a warm room and had too much clothing on. I'm tired of croaking - I sound so like one of my sisters it isn't funny, though I normally sound like her anyway, so I guess it isn't surprising that we sound similar when we don't have voices.

In knitting news, I have just finished my Chemo Queen Bedjacket. Hooray! It has been hanging around for months, waiting for me to pull my finger out and get it done. Well all the ends are woven in and the buttons are on, now I just have to wait for good weather to model it. That might take a few days. (You might ask what about blocking it? Well might you ask but don't expect an answer. I haven't figured out how to block a knitted in the round cashmere/cotton blend jacket.) My chemo queen crown is well underway and now needs a bit of stuffing, a lining and the silver decorations on it. Plus I am hoping to knit a heap of handwarmers for the chemo nurses as a thank you. I have one knitted so far but none of the nurses are one handed. I guess I'll have to knit at least one more. I have plenty of yarn lined up in various colours - this is one advantage of falling for the curse of buying a ball of yarn at a time to "try it out." I get to use it for little gifts! I have the fun of knitting it without having to look after it. Yay!

Zzzz. Time for bed. It's been a long day.



  1. Hope it's not a cold - that's the last thing you need. I too want to get busy and knit hand warmers --- my fave pattern right now is called Smockies by Bente B on Rav--- it's free and it's very cute with sewn in beads to dress it up.
    Hint - knit 2 at a time, like socks to avoid second hand warmer syndrome.

  2. Yea - second the hopes that it's not a cold. Cute pictures of you two!
    The lamb shanks sound delicious = might have to head out to Wholefoods for lamb today!

  3. Those photos are wonderful. I have a blown-out, not altogether there phone pic of DH and me that's my fave -- it's just so real. ; )

    Oh, and ix-nay on the old-cay. OK?

  4. Sent you a big email including why you should change to iinet (and they have fast-track change-over too). iView is unmetered for iinet people.

    Also hope you have a nice wedding anniv in Sept- just NOT a repeat of the weather, thanks!!!

    Haven't been to visit because I have had colds - hope your symptoms aren't, but there's a lot of it about ...

    Cheers, dear ...

  5. Oh, I forgot - I got some Michael Miller fabric for under $10 on ebay the other day! But wait, there's more ... if you search for it!!

  6. Hope you feeling better,we had nothing but bugs over the last 6 weeks and its not cool when uni assignments are due etc but in your case would really bad
    Great post to read as usual and I always pull past to see how you are going,just dont comment as much as my work load is just out there!Heres hoping your special day turns better than the last!Hugs!!


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