Settling in
G'day all! Well we are starting to settle in, hooray! I haven't managed to tidy all the Stuff away yet because umm there is nowhere to tidy it to. The cupboards are a bit musty and I don't want to put my Stuff in there cos it will get musty too! I've vacuumed and sprayed (tea tree oil) and sprinkled (bicarb) to try to reduce the musty load in the flat. It is better than it was but if I shut the place up for a day, the mustiness increases, so I guess I will have to continue vacuuming, spraying and sprinkling! This morning I was woken up by a) a baby have a very good, loud, long whinge and b) these. Currawongs (plus a few rainbow lorikeets) (Scuse the boring view out the kitchen window! That video was shot on the phone so you can imagine how loud the currawongs really were!) I left behind blue skies and sunshine (Jerusalem artichokes flowering at last - I waited six months for those flowers and they finally started a week before we left, better than a week after!...