ooh, a parcel!

G'day all!

Many moons ago I participated in a lace swap. My lovely swap partner, Dorothy (sorry, must provide a link but I have 10 minutes to blog in and am tired tired tired), had some woes with her local post office. They were not very helpful at all.

Well the other day, lookie what showed up!

Mmmm..... Lotsa goodies! DH has been enjoying the snackie doodles - chippies and various chocolates (the latter not in picture) whilst I have laceweight misti alpaca, some red nail polish, a lotus blossom pattern (Yay! I like that one!), wild rice and Clover needles - mm, bamboo circs :-)

Thank you so much, Dorothy! I will enjoy it greatly. Once Christmas is over and done with I can start playing.

I am flat chat at present. It is killing me. My boss wants me to start cold calling places to see if they need gas. I am not a salesperson. I detest call centres that cold call. He wants me to do it cos he doesn't want to do it. He's the salesman. I have a house to clean from end to end. Oh, yeah, there is tidying as well. And making Christmas presents. And a research proposal to write up. And a husband having hissy fits about his thesis. I had a hissy fit back tonight, well more a crying jag. This is after I threw the new camera on the ground by accident cos I had hooked my finger in the wrist strap as I handed the camera to Nathan (camera is scratched but still works), managed to knock the gravy pot on the stove in such a way as to burn two fingers and get gravy on my *back* and do various other clutzy things.

The weather is horrid currently - more smoke. Half of Victoria, my state, is on fire it seems. So is some of the holiday beach areas of Tasmania. There is a huge swatch to the northeast of Melbourne that is burning. It could burn all the way to the edge of the state cos it is quite rugged country with few roads and fewer people. The smoke blows straight down to us at present. I really hope the Alps don't burn again. They burned two years ago and there is no way the plants have had a chance to recover - alpine plants get so little time to grow each year. One of our favourite places to stay (until they closed it in summer) has burnt down on Mount Buffalo. That is very sad, but maybe it will be rebuilt and be better (I have to say the mattresses on the beds were older than Nathan).

I have ~discovered~ these (like 99% of the blogging community it seems):

They are driving me nuts. I have knitted four of them since Sunday, except two are not finished, one because I like it so much that I am going to frog it and knit it a bit bigger (ie with one more repeat). The one I like is the second picture. The yarn looked so ugly when I dyed it cos it was there to sop up the excess dye and now? Love it! The mitts are of course Fetchings. They are quick and simple and my sister is getting some instead of the wrap. Tonight I knitted 2/3 of one in about 1.5 hours. I have the feeling I will just pump out a few Fetchings for various females of my acquaintance, and in a bigger gauge yarn, some manly fetchings too.

One last thing - never showed this on the blog, must do so now. I tried a new emailer but it played up so I don't know if Darrow ever got my email of thanks - what a great birthday present!

Never fear, Darrow - you will get what is coming to you ;-)



  1. Anonymous7:40 am

    Yay! I'm glad you got it - just think of them as reagent blanks :)

    (Didn't get no email btw - are there Server Iss-Ewes again?)


  2. I'm so glad it finally made it there.

    Your Fetchings are cute. I think they could jazz up the nastiest of yarns.

  3. Oh, fun gifties!!

    Gravy on your back?! Yikes!!

  4. Nice parcel!

    Those Fetchings are great :)

  5. Hi,the parcel is to die for!
    The Fetching pattern has gotten a bit of a work out here too,great to do in the recipients fav colours and add a nice smeely tube of hand cream and hey presto a great gift that thought and effort has gone into!!!!
    I did the same with my camera,yikes,I didn't know whether to cry or yell at the kids,never the less they disappeared for a while!!!!

  6. If someone sent me a lace shawl gift box, I would then know that they had been harboring resentment towards me for YEARS. Yes, I'm not that enamored with knitting the lace.

    Wearing it? Buying it from other knitters? You bet!

    Me knit it? No. Way.

    However, I hope you have fun with it =)

  7. Ooh! A fiddlesticks pattern. I recently picked that one up and can't wait to start it. (As soon as I finish the gazillion other things in front of it).
    What a great pressie!

  8. Look at all the goodies you got! And I really like the dyed fetching better than the other one. Sorry to hear about the smoke drifting to you. That happened once where I lived and it was terrible.

  9. Anonymous5:56 pm

    I really have to knit a few Fetchings for people. I can think of at least 2 people that they would make a good pressie for.

    Love both your Fetchings. Very...Fetching ;)

    oooooh patonyle free for the dyeing!! Am jealous! lol



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