Pluck a flaming duck!

U-haul won't rent me a truck. I don't have a US driver's licence.

Pluck a duck! What do we do now? How on earth do we move our crap now? The bike trailer is far too small for the armchairs, the bed and the pedal organ (harmonium). I can't carry the boxes of books at all easily.... We only have to go to the apartment block next door.


Penske will rent us a truck. A 50 minute cross town ride and we have a GINORMOUS truck, much too big for us...

So the grand move to nextdoor continues!


  1. Know anyone with a pickup?

  2. Anonymous6:59 pm

    Bah humbug. Hope you can work something out. I once moved down the road and around the corner. It was worse than moving across the state so I know what you mean!!

  3. Boy oh boy,life is never boring for you!!!

  4. Glad you found one!

  5. Anonymous3:04 pm

    I never did see my neighbor - glad you worked it all out.


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