Home at last!

We've been away almost exactly 3 weeks. We have driven nearly 10,000km. OK, I have driven over 9,000 and Nathan has been a passenger for all bar about 600km. The car is choc-a-block with stuff, mostly plants. It is still choc-a-block with stuff cos I can't be stuffed unpacking it yet, though I must soon cos the first lot of plants were WATERERD IN THE CAR by someone who will remain nameless and the run off spread into SOMEONE WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS' $180 books that he insisted on getting (very good books too) and undoubetedly cos they wer not right next to the plants, everything else as well.

As for knitting, what is that? I've gotten the back of a tank done, redone the two mittens to the point where I need to do the thumbs, finished a hat.... umm not much else cos it is really hard to knit when you are driving. Very easy when you are a passenger.

I didn't even bring home any yarn, though I do have a pile of alpaca fleece. i even stopped at the Yarn Barn in Adelaide on the way through and they had much nifty stuff but I didn't need any of it. I must be ill! Get out the thermometer!

Anyway, better go get things organised a bit. We'll get some pics online (some? a few? HAH! This is us, mad enthusiasts with cameras - maybe we should have the summary pages and then have the pages for enthusiasts) soon enough along with the web pages.



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