
G'day all!

I have so many bits and bobs to show you and guess what?

I can't figure out how to get the things online! Y'see I am using a windoze box under not even my own account name. If I set up a connection using the connection wizard, as far as I can tell it will want me to log into our server under DH's username and password and that is a) stuff I don't have and b) annoying cos I want it in my own public_html directory, not his.

I wonder if I can run a dos shell and simply ssh in and then copy the docs across? DH tells me there is a program I can use but it seems he did not download the copying part of it, only the bits that allow him to run online chat programs and read his email from the server.

Anyway, yesterday we had a fun morning looking at a cute little cottage in Old Town and then a condo/townhome a little further away (like half a mile). We are going for the townhome. It is available now and has more of the things we want (we have not found a place yet that meets all our requirements - each place has failed on one or more reqs, but this one only fails on the garden/yard).

Then yesterday arvo, I went out to visit C and pick up a parcel of goodies I sent myself. We did lunch and chatted, and I admired C's menagerie of pets (particularly her overly friendly cat, Tas). I came home with a new stash of Shetland and Rambouillet, which I have never had before, and C got some finn/suffolk cross. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening spinning rambo (woollen) and shetland (mongrel spin). How lovely!

Today, umm, maybe I will go up to Lambspun and do one of their morning teas, if I have my days right. But first breakfast! And shower!

Fourth of July tomorrow. Fireworks. Merriement. Drinking (presumably, from what I am told). Twil be interesting to see what happens, especially as an outsider who feels no urge to celebrate another nation's independence day. Wonder if it will continue to be hot? Must go check the weather forecast.



  1. Yay about finding a suitable place!

    Heh, you can just enjoy tomorrow for the spectacle. I love a good spectacle, myself.

  2. hooray for finding a home!

    it also sounds like your area has some good yarny places...lucky you!

    i hope you enjoy your first 4th july here! WELCOME

  3. Anonymous2:25 pm

    don't worry, most of the people i know aren't actually celebrating our independence. they're celebrating a day off from work and an excuse to have a loud party and blow things up :P

  4. Anonymous4:23 pm

    (I wrote this on your other place, after 4th July, but it wouldn't accept me - wah - so I'm putting them here.)

    Just keep in mind the utter friendliness of Coloradans. It was surely just these few days when they had all made previous longstanding arrangements. Just a minor blip.

    Good to hear that you've caught up with C. I've read her blog for ages - half for the craft and half for the nostalgic photos of that lovely state.

    Remember, we're always here and it won't be long before you're involved in more activities than you can find time for.


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