Oxygen returneth

G'day all!

The snot-fest here is quietening down, thank heavens! As I can breathe more easily now, I am finding my ability to think returning, well as much as it ever does. It seems that not only have I been suffering from a cold but also from hayfever caused by back burning in the bush leaving a haze of smoke over the city. Me and smoke don't get along so well y'see.

DH is all over the shop. I hauled him off to my chiro yesterday. She did all sorts of interesting evaluations, then did a range of adjustments (some of which made him squawk - he's been there when I've been back-cracked but for whatever reason he just thought I was being poked at and prodded, not actually having anything done!!!) and sent him on his way for the time being. He has to go back next week. She says he has a damaged disc, not ruptured, just annoyed and a little torn and that he is guarding it by annoying his right SI joint instead. I know about SI joints - I strained one years ago when I fell over my chair at work whilst carrying a particularly large and heavy file. Anyway, he is walking better now - he looked like an old man shuffling along after two back fusions and bad rehab - and is relatively functional, except for when he lies down. Once he is down it hurts a fair bit trying to get back up again.

Have I been knitting? Yes! But the results are totally underwhelming as I had to rip it out thrice because I first didn't like the pattern then managed to join something in the round with a nice little moebius twist in it twice - not helpful when I am trying to knit a dress for my niece's baby. Plus the Wildfoote sock slowly continues - it is the knitting I do whilst waiting in line at the post office or when I need to do brainless knitting (and then stuff it up anyway). I've been doing a bit of dyeing as well - results will go up on the website over the next few days. Expect a couple of lots of sunsetty colours plus lots of cobalty violetty colours and a little pale sea greeny stuff. 8ply/DK, chunky and laceweight! I have sock yarn to post too but I've been avoiding handling yarn that will be for sale whilst I've been snotty. Whilst I like sharing yarny love around, I don't want to share snot! You can quote me on that....

After Trudi's recommendation, I visited a shop called Auroma. I bought some shampoo and some normal soap powder to try on my fleece. The shampoo, which has no sulphates, petrochemicals, preservatives, etc, worked well. It has a pH of about 6-7. The soap also worked well, though its pH appears somewhat higher (ie it is alkaline). I used citric acid in the rinses for the soap washed fleece. The fleece I washed was some of my favourite merino - a lovely silver spotty fleece. It is the only pure merino fleece I have. I figure I can buy a heap of white merino top really cheap so why buy merino fleeces and process them myself? May as well process the unusual fleeces that I cannot buy, whether they be silver spotty merino or finn X corriedale or corrie X merino, etc. Anyway so far so good. The fleece is now dry and seems soft enough but not greasy. Why on earth buy wonderful fleeces and then dry them out to the point of breakage? You wouldn't do that to your hair deliberately so why spend money on fleeces to ruin them?

Tonight I am off to listen to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. A friend offered me a ticket since she is going to a wedding. I figure why not? I can catch up with other friends who will be there (and hopefully not hack or snot on them ;-). DH isn't coming along as there is only one ticket. He said I can have the ticket as he isn't sure about sitting for that long. Isn't that nice?


PS if you are the anonymous commenter who said they would like some of my yarn, email me at natiel3 at yahoo dot com and let me know what yarn. I can't reply to anyone who comments anonymously - that is the whole idea of anonymity! Actually I can't reply to comments as blogger doesn't have that capacity. Any recommendations for another commenting system? Maybe when this US stuff comes off I will switch elsewhere....


  1. I hope you had a lovely night at the symphony!!

  2. Oh, actually, you should be able to reply to my blogger comments - others with blogger are able to. It's a combination of whether you get comments emailed to you and whether the commenter has an email address configured in their blogger profile.

    I know that some people use Haloscan for their comments...

  3. Glad the Auroma products worked out. My mum and I are also big fans of their essential oils, which are really good quality.

    Hope Nathan's back gets better fast, and you beat the bug quickly. The beau and I have been a bit sinusy so maybe it's the backburning affecting us, too.


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