I caved

It is ordered. I shouldn't buy anything at present but hey, it only adds about $30 to our already negative $1500 a month drain on the mortgage...



  1. Anonymous7:02 pm

    Life's too short!! Gather ye rosebuds etc... $30 is 2% OF $1500, a mere bagatelle, and think of the hours of knitting pleasure!!

  2. good i cave at your yarn , you cave at books we all get goodies and are happy

  3. Anonymous1:52 am

    He he he he he.

    You won't regret it. :-)

  4. Ok Ok,what did you cave into to?
    I bought a couple of books too in Perth,simply because they were the only decent ones there and I was happy untill I got home and actually read them......

  5. Righto,I just found your,ahem ,sin....Nice,Im still stuck waiting to start Icarus,ha ha ha ha!!!
    PS Did I tell you the big bag of wool arrived? Me thinks you paid more for post? Never mind I will add a bit if i fall in love with any more of your discarded goodies!


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